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CADAAD 2014 - fifth international conference Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines (CADAAD)

Date2014-09-01 - 2014-09-03


VenueELTE University, Hungary Hungary

Keywordsmultimodal communication; sociolinguistics; discourse analysis


Topics/Call fo Papers

We are glad to announce that the 5th CADAAD Conference will take place 1-3 September 2014 and will be hosted by ELTE University, Budapest, Hungary.

CADAAD conferences are intended to promote current directions and new developments in cross-disciplinary critical discourse research. We welcome papers which, from a critical-analytical perspective, deal with contemporary social, scientific, political, economic, or professional discourses and genres. Possible topics include but are not limited to the following:

? (New) Media discourse
? Party political discourse
? Advertising
? Discourses of war and terrorism
? Discourses of discrimination and inequality
? Power, ideology and dominance in institutional discourse
? Identity in discourse
? Education discourses
? Environmental discourses
? Health communication
? Language and the law

We especially welcome papers which re-examine existing frameworks for critical discourse research and/or which highlight and apply new methodologies sourced from anywhere across the humanities, social and cognitive sciences including but without being limited to the following fields:

? Sociolinguistics
? Multimodality
? Media and Mass Communication Studies
? Functional Linguistics
? Cognitive Linguistics
? Corpus Linguistics
? Pragmatics and Argumentation Theory
? Conversation and Discourse Analysis
? Ethnography of Communication
? Discursive Psychology
? Political Science

Reflecting the diversity of topics and approaches in critical discourse studies, the following distinguished guests have confirmed their participation as plenary speakers:

? PROFESSOR RUTH WODAK (Lancaster University)
? PROFESSOR THEO VAN LEEUWEN (University of Technology Sydney)
? PROFESSOR LILIE CHOULIARAKI (London School of Economics)
? PROFESSOR ANDREAS MUSOLFF (University of East Anglia)
? PROFESSOR CRISPIN THURLOW (University of Washington)

Papers will be allocated 20 minutes plus 10 minutes for questions. The language of the conference is English.
Abstracts of no more than 250 words including references should be sent as MS Word attachment to before 1 December 2013. Please include in the body of the email but not in the abstract itself (1) your name, (2) affiliation and (3) email address. Notifications of acceptance will be communicated by 1 March 2014.

A peer-reviewed collection of selected papers is planned to be published with an international publisher.

For further information please visit the conference webpages at or write to the local organising committee at

Last modified: 2013-04-07 18:26:36