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ICISECS 2013 - International Conference on Information System, Engineering and Computer Science

Date2013-07-08 - 2013-07-09


VenueKUALA LUMPUR , Malaysia Malaysia



Topics/Call fo Papers

ICISECS 2013 focus on the newly scientific discovery and implementation in all relevant aspects of information technologies, and information systems and Computer Science , which enables an enterprise to improve the management and efficiency of its resources, including capital, people, and information systems, to support the achievement of its business vision.
The aim objective of ICISECS 2013 is to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, academicians as well as industrial professionals from all over the world to present their research results and development activities in Engineering and Computer Science . This conference provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration.
All accepted papers will be published in the volume of International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science ( IJITCS ) ( ISSN : 2091-1610 ) , All registered papers will be published by different International Journals and made available through Digital Library and world's largest scientific libraries Proceedings will be submitted for indexing by Google Scholar, ISI, EI Compendex,Scopus and many more .

Last modified: 2013-03-28 07:33:45