CCSC-NW 2013 - Fifteenth Annual CCSC Northwestern Regional Conference
Topics/Call fo Papers
The CCSC‐NW Conference is designed to promote quality computer science ?related curricula as well as effective use of computing in institutions of higher education that are typically non‐research in orientation.
Papers, tutorials, and panel discussions are
solicited on all topics. Possibilities include, but are
not limited to:
? cluster/cloud computing
? computer engineering
? computer science and software
? computer science education issues
? courses for non‐majors
? distance education
? emerging technologies
? ethics, legal, society and gender issues
? faculty development/support
? graphics/image processing
? information science
? information technology
? lab use of computers
? multimedia use and training
? networking
? software development
? student research
Papers, tutorials, and panel discussions are
solicited on all topics. Possibilities include, but are
not limited to:
? cluster/cloud computing
? computer engineering
? computer science and software
? computer science education issues
? courses for non‐majors
? distance education
? emerging technologies
? ethics, legal, society and gender issues
? faculty development/support
? graphics/image processing
? information science
? information technology
? lab use of computers
? multimedia use and training
? networking
? software development
? student research
Other CFPs
- Gamification '13 Gameful Design, Research, and Applications
- 23rd International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques
- International conference “Emerging Market Queries in Finance and Business”
- International Workshops on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition (SPR 2014)
- International Workshops on Syntactic Pattern Recognition (SSPR 2014)
Last modified: 2013-03-17 22:31:41