NCA 2013 - The 12th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications
Date2013-08-22 - 2013-08-24
VenueCambridge, USA - United States
Topics/Call fo Papers
The IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications is seeking articles concerning fundamental research and practical experience reports. The topics of interest include,
but are not limited to:
? Theory of Network Computing
? High Speed Networks/Protocols and Middleware
? Routing Mechanisms
? Overlay Networks/Peer-to-Peer Systems
? System Area Networks (SAN)/Clusters
? Performance Modeling/Quality of Services (QoS) Issues
? Web Caching and Switching
? Network Security
? Dependable Wide, Local, and System Area Networks
? Intrusion-Tolerant Systems
? Scalable and Dependable Servers and Data Centers
? Middleware for Dependable Network Computing
? Self*(configuring, healing, optimizing, protecting, organizing, aware) platforms for Network Computing
? Seamless and virtual capabilities to achieve dynamic reconfiguration,
self-healing, and non-stop operation
? Network Protocol Verification and Validation
? Autonomic Network Computing
? Cloud Computing: Optimizing the Cloud (path, communication, applications)
? Autonomic Cloud Computing: Secure Cloud Applications and Platforms, Ensuring Site and Application Availability
? Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANET)
? Sensor Networks
? Programming Environments for Distributed Systems
? e-Commerce
? Practical Experiences and Prototypes
? Energy- efficient computation and communications
but are not limited to:
? Theory of Network Computing
? High Speed Networks/Protocols and Middleware
? Routing Mechanisms
? Overlay Networks/Peer-to-Peer Systems
? System Area Networks (SAN)/Clusters
? Performance Modeling/Quality of Services (QoS) Issues
? Web Caching and Switching
? Network Security
? Dependable Wide, Local, and System Area Networks
? Intrusion-Tolerant Systems
? Scalable and Dependable Servers and Data Centers
? Middleware for Dependable Network Computing
? Self*(configuring, healing, optimizing, protecting, organizing, aware) platforms for Network Computing
? Seamless and virtual capabilities to achieve dynamic reconfiguration,
self-healing, and non-stop operation
? Network Protocol Verification and Validation
? Autonomic Network Computing
? Cloud Computing: Optimizing the Cloud (path, communication, applications)
? Autonomic Cloud Computing: Secure Cloud Applications and Platforms, Ensuring Site and Application Availability
? Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANET)
? Sensor Networks
? Programming Environments for Distributed Systems
? e-Commerce
? Practical Experiences and Prototypes
? Energy- efficient computation and communications
Other CFPs
Last modified: 2013-03-15 22:42:11