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ICID 2013 - International Conference on Indonesian Development 2013

Date2013-09-12 - 2013-09-14


VenueThe Hague , Netherlands, The Netherlands, The



Topics/Call fo Papers

This International conference on the theme of the development in Indonesia is a conference designed to become a hub between the Indonesian scholars, policy makers (executive and legislative), professionals and public. It will be an exciting opportunity for the Indonesian scholars to exchange and to collaborate their ideas through interactive and detailed discussions. This conference aims to create a “blueprint” of an ideal Indonesia development. The conference will take place in Institute of Social Studies (ISS) Erasmus University, The Hague, The Netherlands.
The theme of ICID 2013 is:
“The Innovation-driven Economy as the Fundamental of the Indonesian Economic Growth”
The conference committee invites submission on the following sub-themes and topics. However, the overlapping and relevant themes and topics are also accepted.
1.Policy towards competitive economy
-Problems, challenge, and opportunity to improve the quality of economic growth
-Impact of industrial, fiscal, and monetary policy to innovation activities
-Political and policy making challenge to raise the competitiveness
-Triple helix model-based policy
-Benchmark from developed and transitional/emerging market countries/regions
2. Innovation-driven economy from social science, management, and technological perspective
-Creative economy
-Social aspect of innovation-driven economy
-Benchmark of management practices from developed and emerging markets/regions countries that fit for the Indonesian context
The abstract (max 300 words) must be written in English and include the motivation for this research, research questions, methodology used, research findings, conclusion and keywords.
Later, the accepted abstracts should submit their full papers and register to attend the conference. Abstract and papers submission can only be submitted electronically through the conference website.
The access for abstract submission will be available from February 10th, 2013, while paper submission will be available from May 1st, 2013. Each participant can only present one paper at the conference.
Guidelines for paper submission can be found on the conference website under “Abstract and Paper Submission” tagline.
Researchers who want to organize a session or contribute with a paper within an invited session should contact the committee through email at
Abstract Submission Deadline : April 15th, 2013
Notification of Abstract Acceptance : April 30st, 2013
Full Paper Submission Deadline : June 30th, 2013
Authors Notification : July 30th, 2013
Registration (Early Bird) : June 1st, 2013 ? June 30th, 2013
Revised Paper Submission Deadline : August 15th, 2013
ICID 2013 : September 12th, 2013 ? September 14th, 2013
All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISBN reference, on paper and on CD-ROM support. The best 5 papers will be submitted to international peer-reviewed journal with the support from the scientific conference editors.
All idea in the paper will be put in the book of “Indonesian Development Blueprint” in the end of the conference cycle. It will take 5 years to complete one cycle of ICID.
PPI Belanda
Tobias Asserlaan 8, Den Haag
2517 KC, Netherlands

Last modified: 2013-03-14 07:26:04