ALTOE 2013 - International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Open Educational Content, and Standards
Date2013-11-18 - 2013-11-22
VenueBali, Indonesia
Topics/Call fo Papers
This sub-conference C3: Advanced Learning Technologies, Open Educational Content, and Standards as part of International Conference on Computers in Education 2013 focuses on recent directions for the alignment of learning technologies, open contents, standards and their rising impact for research, growth and societal change. To accelerate this growth, it is important to realize there will always be more than one approach. From a general perspective, two complementary approaches exist. One is ‘top-down’, in which technologies are identified and implemented from the educational and business needs for effectiveness and quality; the other is ‘bottom-up’, in which emerging technologies are utilized in design and implementation of novel learning methodologies. For sound and sustainable growth of ICT-based education and training, it is also important to pay attention not only to the technology itself, but also to technology infrastructures, pedagogies and organizational aspects.
Against this background, this theme-based conference of ICCE will provide an opportunity to present and exchange ideas and results about the cutting edge research on ICT adoption in education and training. This conference focuses also on open educational content and methods, and standards, both of which are important driving forces of ICT-based education and training. It strives for setting directions for the implementation of standards, which can enhance interoperability of educational and training resources and systems.
The scope of the conference will cover but not be limited to the following topics:
- Open platforms, open educational resources (OERs), Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs),and open learning methods
- International alliance for open source, open standards, and federated
- Repository and Network systems
- Technology standards for content, portfolios, learner information, and competencies
- Life cycle management of technical learning objects
- New generations of educational technologies
- Learning Analytics / Big Data
- Web 2.0 and social computing for learning
- Personalized educational and learning systems
- Learning systems platforms and architectures
- Advanced applications
- E-learning, knowledge management and their organizational management
- E-testing and new test theories
- Automated assessments
- Recommender systems
- Learning content retrieval
- New directions for standards development in the field of ICT and learning
We welcome contributions that report on accomplished research as well as
work in progress.
Against this background, this theme-based conference of ICCE will provide an opportunity to present and exchange ideas and results about the cutting edge research on ICT adoption in education and training. This conference focuses also on open educational content and methods, and standards, both of which are important driving forces of ICT-based education and training. It strives for setting directions for the implementation of standards, which can enhance interoperability of educational and training resources and systems.
The scope of the conference will cover but not be limited to the following topics:
- Open platforms, open educational resources (OERs), Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs),and open learning methods
- International alliance for open source, open standards, and federated
- Repository and Network systems
- Technology standards for content, portfolios, learner information, and competencies
- Life cycle management of technical learning objects
- New generations of educational technologies
- Learning Analytics / Big Data
- Web 2.0 and social computing for learning
- Personalized educational and learning systems
- Learning systems platforms and architectures
- Advanced applications
- E-learning, knowledge management and their organizational management
- E-testing and new test theories
- Automated assessments
- Recommender systems
- Learning content retrieval
- New directions for standards development in the field of ICT and learning
We welcome contributions that report on accomplished research as well as
work in progress.
Other CFPs
- International Conference on Computer-supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) and Learning Sciences
- International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education/Intelligent Tutoring System(AIED/ITS) and Adaptive Learning
- 2013 International Conference on Computers in Education
- 9th European Summer School in Information Retrieval
- 5th Symposium on Future Directions in Information Access
Last modified: 2013-02-24 22:16:11