DSC 2013 - 8th South East European Doctoral Student Conference
Topics/Call fo Papers
8th South East European Doctoral Student Conference
16 - 17 September 2013, Thessaloniki - Greece
Building on the success of the seven previous Doctoral conferences which totally attracted more than 700 research papers from countries all over the SE European region and beyond (UK, Australia, Soth-Africa, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Sweden, Belgium and USA), we are pleased to announce the organisation of the 8th SEERC Doctoral conference. The aim of the conference is to further facilitate the exchange of knowledge between young researchers and to consolidate the established network of scholars currently undertaking research in South East Europe. Having identified academic isolation as a problem that many doctoral students face today, DSC 2013 aims to bring researchers together with the purpose of establishing collaborative links between disciplines, for testing the ground with innovative ideas and for engaging the wider academic community. The Conference is open to young researchers currently undertaking doctoral study, or in the early years of their research career (up to 2 years following the award of their PhD degree). It has an inter-disciplinary focus. More information on the topic areas covered by the conference can be found in the following page. All papers presented at the Conference will be evaluated by an expert panel of academics and other PhD Conference participants. Each presentation will be followed by questions from the audience and comments/feedback from the panel members. The accepted submissions will be included in the Proceedings. In addition, there will be a general discussion session guided by the panel discussants and participants, addressing various issues on PhD work and the experience of carrying out research. There will also be a number of general presentations focusing on useful skills development for doctoral students.
Important Dates
Short or Full paper submission: Friday 12th April 2013
Notification of acceptance: Monday 20th May 2013
Response to reviewers comments and submission of FINAL-camera ready paper: Friday 21th June 2013
Publication of Conference Programme: Wednesday 10th May 2013
Conference: Monday 16th - Tuesday 17th September 2013
For questions or further information please contact: dsc2013-AT-seerc.org or call +30 2310 253478
16 - 17 September 2013, Thessaloniki - Greece
Building on the success of the seven previous Doctoral conferences which totally attracted more than 700 research papers from countries all over the SE European region and beyond (UK, Australia, Soth-Africa, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Sweden, Belgium and USA), we are pleased to announce the organisation of the 8th SEERC Doctoral conference. The aim of the conference is to further facilitate the exchange of knowledge between young researchers and to consolidate the established network of scholars currently undertaking research in South East Europe. Having identified academic isolation as a problem that many doctoral students face today, DSC 2013 aims to bring researchers together with the purpose of establishing collaborative links between disciplines, for testing the ground with innovative ideas and for engaging the wider academic community. The Conference is open to young researchers currently undertaking doctoral study, or in the early years of their research career (up to 2 years following the award of their PhD degree). It has an inter-disciplinary focus. More information on the topic areas covered by the conference can be found in the following page. All papers presented at the Conference will be evaluated by an expert panel of academics and other PhD Conference participants. Each presentation will be followed by questions from the audience and comments/feedback from the panel members. The accepted submissions will be included in the Proceedings. In addition, there will be a general discussion session guided by the panel discussants and participants, addressing various issues on PhD work and the experience of carrying out research. There will also be a number of general presentations focusing on useful skills development for doctoral students.
Important Dates
Short or Full paper submission: Friday 12th April 2013
Notification of acceptance: Monday 20th May 2013
Response to reviewers comments and submission of FINAL-camera ready paper: Friday 21th June 2013
Publication of Conference Programme: Wednesday 10th May 2013
Conference: Monday 16th - Tuesday 17th September 2013
For questions or further information please contact: dsc2013-AT-seerc.org or call +30 2310 253478
Other CFPs
Last modified: 2013-02-22 23:00:21