CloudPerf 2013 - IEEE 2013 International Workshop on Performance Aspects of Cloud and Service Virtualization (CloudPerf 2013)
Topics/Call fo Papers
Cloud computing and service virtualization have progressed rapidly in recent years and face challenges of creating a highly efficient, secure, and transparent way to support the consolidation of all different kinds of legacy applications, packaged applications, and custom services. Performance related aspects of cloud and virtualization systems are becoming the bottlenecks for service implementation, deployment and commercial application and its operation. The cloud paradigm and services virtualization also come up with algorithmic and engineering issues as well as performance aspects not yet eminent but expected to grow with their spreading deployment and application, the scaling of the large cloud systems, and the dynamics of management and real time service performance. These new performance aspects may comprise, sometimes even deteriorate the efficiency, logical or physical transparency of cloud services, quality of isolation, fairness among virtualized systems, quality of synthetic services, scalability of the composition of virtualized services and of the management mechanisms for cloud centers and their operation patterns.
IEEE 2013 International Workshop on Performance Aspects of Cloud and Service Virtualization (IEEE CloudPerf 2013) is a forum for professionals involved in performance aspects of virtualized, autonomic and cloud computing systems. The goal of this workshop is to bridge the gap between theory and practice in the field of performance aspects including research, engineering, and industry related issues by providing a forum for sharing ideas and experiences between industry and academia, sharing and presenting their experiences, discuss challenges, and report state-of-the-art and in-progress research on performance aspects of cloud and service virtualization, including performance measurement, analytic modeling, simulation, performance engineering, benchmark design, and run-time performance management.
The workshop welcome various different kinds of papers that could formalize, simplify and optimize the performance aspects of existing cloud and virtualization infrastructures in science, engineering and business. The papers may address issues including performance models, performance engineering methods, and real world practices leading to cloud and virtualization services and solutions that provide users with efficient techniques for virtualizing and managing their own high performance cloud systems. Papers of applied research, industrial experience reports, work-in-progress and vision papers with different criteria for each category are also solicited. Extensions of selected papers will be published in a journal special issue.
List of topics
The topics of interest include, but not limited to the following:
Performance metrics for adaptation and dynamics in Clouds
Performance measurement techniques in Clouds and virtualization systems
Performance Models for resource contention between virtual machines
Performance issues of I/O virtualization
Isolation and fairness among multiple virtual systems
Scheduling mechanisms and performance for virtualized resources and services
Scalability, robustness and resilience of Clouds
Quality of Service in Clouds
Engineering techniques for cloud services deployment and combination
User models and workload characterization in Clouds and virtualization systems
On-demand and utility resource provision models
Performance of virtual storages
Impact of virtualization on the performance of memory, CPU and I/O intensive applications
Capability and performance of network emulation
Performance limitations of cloud services and technologies for capability and capacity computing
Experiences, performance and reliability of running scientific applications in clouds
Power/Energy efficiency
Security Issues and its performance evaluation
Performance verification and validation
Performance of HPC application in Clouds
IEEE 2013 International Workshop on Performance Aspects of Cloud and Service Virtualization (IEEE CloudPerf 2013) is a forum for professionals involved in performance aspects of virtualized, autonomic and cloud computing systems. The goal of this workshop is to bridge the gap between theory and practice in the field of performance aspects including research, engineering, and industry related issues by providing a forum for sharing ideas and experiences between industry and academia, sharing and presenting their experiences, discuss challenges, and report state-of-the-art and in-progress research on performance aspects of cloud and service virtualization, including performance measurement, analytic modeling, simulation, performance engineering, benchmark design, and run-time performance management.
The workshop welcome various different kinds of papers that could formalize, simplify and optimize the performance aspects of existing cloud and virtualization infrastructures in science, engineering and business. The papers may address issues including performance models, performance engineering methods, and real world practices leading to cloud and virtualization services and solutions that provide users with efficient techniques for virtualizing and managing their own high performance cloud systems. Papers of applied research, industrial experience reports, work-in-progress and vision papers with different criteria for each category are also solicited. Extensions of selected papers will be published in a journal special issue.
List of topics
The topics of interest include, but not limited to the following:
Performance metrics for adaptation and dynamics in Clouds
Performance measurement techniques in Clouds and virtualization systems
Performance Models for resource contention between virtual machines
Performance issues of I/O virtualization
Isolation and fairness among multiple virtual systems
Scheduling mechanisms and performance for virtualized resources and services
Scalability, robustness and resilience of Clouds
Quality of Service in Clouds
Engineering techniques for cloud services deployment and combination
User models and workload characterization in Clouds and virtualization systems
On-demand and utility resource provision models
Performance of virtual storages
Impact of virtualization on the performance of memory, CPU and I/O intensive applications
Capability and performance of network emulation
Performance limitations of cloud services and technologies for capability and capacity computing
Experiences, performance and reliability of running scientific applications in clouds
Power/Energy efficiency
Security Issues and its performance evaluation
Performance verification and validation
Performance of HPC application in Clouds
Other CFPs
- IEEE 2013 International Workshop on Security and Privacy Engineering (SPE2013)
- IEEE 2013 International Workshop on Scientific Workflows (SWF 2013)
- 2013 Cloud Security Auditing Workshop
- 3rd International Conference on Tourism and Hospitality Management
- ICECI 2013 International Conference on Education, Culture and Identity
Last modified: 2013-02-21 22:16:54