AIE 2012 - FLAIRS-2012 Special Track on Artificial Intelligence Education
VenueFlorida, USA - United States
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Age of Transformation: Opportunities and Challenges
- 6th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education Technology(AIET 2025)
- 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (ICAIE 2025)
- 2025 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence (AICI 2025)
- 11th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ARIN 2025)
Topics/Call fo Papers
Papers are being solicited for a special track on AI Education at the 25th International FLAIRS Conference (FLAIRS-2012). The FLAIRS Special Track on AI Education is intended to provide a setting in which educators and researchers from all areas of AI can come together to share ideas and approaches for teaching AI at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
We are especially interested in submissions that describe innovative curricular materials, teaching methods, pedagogical experiences, or ways to promote student interest in AI and the participation of underrepresented groups. We welcome submissions on all aspects of AI pedagogy, including, but not limited to:
Model assignments, course syllabi, software, or other curricular resources
Implementation of the Computing Curricula Intelligent Systems area
AI classroom techniques or innovations for undergraduate and/or graduate instruction
Intelligent applications for instruction of AI and assessment of such applications
The use of robots or other hands-on equipment for teaching AI
Strategies for incorporating AI research into AI courses
Strategies for encouraging wider student interest and participation in AI
Descriptions or case studies of successful class projects or other pedagogical experiences
Note: There is a separate special track for Intelligent Tutoring Systems.
We are especially interested in submissions that describe innovative curricular materials, teaching methods, pedagogical experiences, or ways to promote student interest in AI and the participation of underrepresented groups. We welcome submissions on all aspects of AI pedagogy, including, but not limited to:
Model assignments, course syllabi, software, or other curricular resources
Implementation of the Computing Curricula Intelligent Systems area
AI classroom techniques or innovations for undergraduate and/or graduate instruction
Intelligent applications for instruction of AI and assessment of such applications
The use of robots or other hands-on equipment for teaching AI
Strategies for incorporating AI research into AI courses
Strategies for encouraging wider student interest and participation in AI
Descriptions or case studies of successful class projects or other pedagogical experiences
Note: There is a separate special track for Intelligent Tutoring Systems.
Other CFPs
- Workshop on Updates in XML In Conjunction with EDBT/ICDT 2010 XMLupdates 2010
- The 2nd Central-European Workshop on Services and their Composition ZEUS 2010
- ITCSS'21 21st ITC Specialist Seminar on Multimedia Applications - Traffic, Performance and QoE
- MSC 2010 Measurement Science Conference 2010
- EUSAR 2010 8th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar
Last modified: 2012-01-27 16:47:06