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WS-DCAW 2013 - Workshop "Design Culture for Ageing Well: Designing for ‘Situated Elderliness’ (WS-DCAW)

Date2013-07-01 - 2013-07-03


VenueMaribor, Slovakia Slovakia



Topics/Call fo Papers

The workshop Design Culture for Ageing Well: Designing for ‘Situated Elderliness’ aims to open up interdisciplinary discussions between social scientists, seniors’ association members, healthcare practitioners, researchers and practitioners from human-computer interaction, ambient assisted living and related fields, and other interested persons. The workshop aims to bring together people from diverse backgrounds. Roles of “diversity”, “heterogeneity” and “abilities” will be core themes, based on an ability-based understanding of aging [1] and situated elderliness [2]. The organizers invite position papers that focus on topics related to “ageing well”, “ambient assisted living” or similar. Papers are invited (but not limited) to the following topics:
Community based practices in relation to ageing (senior associations, clubs)
Situated elderliness (practices of “feeling old”, “being old”)
Bottom up research on ageing
Defining heterogeneity in “ageing well”
Creative space of life-span changes
Case studies and examples of real-world seniors’ related technology design solutions
Design process and continuous involvement of senior participants
Life experiences as sources of innovations
Broader understanding of ethics, including design ethics, giving-back mechanisms, language and sustainability
Broader understanding of accessibility and exclusion (e.g: semantic access)
We encourage two types of position papers. People who are working with seniors on daily basis or senior individuals are encouraged to make contributions in form of a reflection paper, where they can describe their daily work and drive conclusions for Human Computer Interaction, design and related areas. The second type of position papers can be from any relevant area to the given call topics above. Both everyday, research and practice insights are wellcome.
Workshop papers should be formatted according the LNCS format and submitted electronically as a single PDF file through the ConfTool submission system.The paper length is not strictly defined, however we encourage papers be no shorter than 2 and no longer than 8 pages with given format.

Last modified: 2012-12-28 23:24:06