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MDKG 2014 - Research Journal of MDKG



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Research Journal of MDKG
Research Journal of MDKG (2278-1064, print) is a peer reviewed indexed journal of social sciences and humanities which covers a broad arena of subjects including Sociology, Economics, Education, Political Science, Anthropology, History, Philosophy, Psychology, Environmental Studies, Human Rights, Women’s Studies, Juridical Studies, English Literature and Language, and any other subjects related to broad theme. The journal is indexed in JournalSeek, Google Scholar , Open Index Initiative, Ulrich, Index Copernicus International and Open Access Journals. Moreover, application was sent to some other directories also for indexing. The journal is published by MDKG College, Dibrugarh, Assam, India with an aim of enriching the realm of higher studies and social science research. It welcomes research papers in the form of full length articles, book reviews, review of methodology and reports of conferences /seminars /workshops. It aims to provide a platform for the academicians, scholars and all concerned to publish their scholarly works and research findings through which they would be able to explore their potential for research. It follows a two tier blind review system where first review is done by the editor and editorial board and second review is done by at least two reviewers. It is published biannually in the months of April and October. Any submission which fails to follow the journal’s guidelines, which are available in the web-link ( is not accepted. All submission should be addressed to
Research Journal of MDKG
MDKG College
Dibrugarh, Assam, India
Ph. No. +919435627225

Last modified: 2012-12-28 22:52:42