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ICLR 2013 - 2013 International Conference on Learning Representations

Date2013-05-02 - 2013-05-04


VenueScottsdale Arizona, USA - United States USA - United States



Topics/Call fo Papers

1st International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR2013)
Held in conjunction with AISTATS2013, Scottsdale, Arizona, May 2nd-4th 2013
Submission deadline: January 15th 2013
It is well understood that the performance of machine learning methods
is heavily dependent on the choice of data representation (or
features) on which they are applied. The rapidly developing field of
representation learning is concerned with questions surrounding how we
can best learn meaningful and useful representations of data. We take
a broad view of the field, and include in it topics such as deep
learning and feature learning, metric learning, kernel learning,
compositional models, non-linear structured prediction, and issues
regarding non-convex optimization.
Despite the importance of representation learning to machine learning
and to application areas such as vision, speech, audio and NLP, there
is currently no common venue for researchers who share a common
interest in this topic. The goal of ICLR is to help fill this void.
A non-exhaustive list of relevant topics:
- unsupervised representation learning
- supervised representation learning
- metric learning and kernel learning
- dimensionality expansion, sparse modeling
- hierarchical models
- optimization for representation learning
- implementation issues, parallelization, software platforms, hardware
- applications in vision, audio, speech, and natural language processing.
- other applications
Submission Process
ICLR2013 will use a novel publication model that will proceed as follows:
- Authors post their submissions on arXiv and send us a link to the
paper. A separate, permanent website will be setup to handle the
reviewing process, to publish the reviews and comments, and to
maintain links to the papers.
- The ICLR program committee designates anonymous reviewers as usual.
- The submitted reviews are published without the name of the
reviewer, but with an indication that they are the designated reviews.
Anyone can write and publish comments on the paper (non anonymously).
Anyone can ask the program chairs for permission to become an
anonymous designated reviewer (open bidding). The program chairs have
ultimate control over the publication of each anonymous review. Open
commenters will have to use their real name, linked with their Google
Scholar profile.
- Authors can post comments in response to reviews and comments. They
can revise the paper as many time as they want, possibly citing some
of the reviews.
- On March 15th 2013, the ICLR program committee will consider all
submitted papers, comments, and reviews and will decide which papers are
to be presented at the conference as oral or poster. Although papers
can be modified after that date, there is no guarantee that the
modifications will be taken into account by the committee.
- The best of the accepted papers (the top 25%-50%) will be given
oral presentations at the conference. We have made arrangements for
revised versions of selected papers from the conference to be
published in a JMLR special topic issue.
- The other papers will be considered non-archival (like workshop
and could be submitted elsewhere (modified or not), although the ICLR site will
maintain the reviews, the comments, and the links to the arXiv versions.
Invited Speakers
Jeff Bilmes (U. Washington)
Jason Eisner (JHU)
Geoffrey Hinton (U. Toronto)
Ruslan Salakhutdinov (U. Toronto)
Max Welling (UC Irvine/U.Amsterdam)
Alan Yuille (UCLA)
General Chairs
Yoshua Bengio, Université de Montreal
Yann LeCun, New York University
Program Chairs
Aaron Courville, Université de Montreal
Rob Fergus, New York University
Chris Manning, Stanford University
The organizers can be contacted at:

Last modified: 2012-11-16 15:13:40