WER’10 2010 - WER’10 13th Workshop on Requirements Engineering
Topics/Call fo Papers
WER'10: 13th Workshop on Requirements Engineering
April 12-13, 2010 - Cuenca, Ecuador
WER'10 is the thirteenth edition of the Workshop on Requirements
Engineering se-
ries. The workshop started as a meeting of the Ibero-American
requirements engi-
neering community, and by now it attracts researchers from all
continents. In
2010 WER will be held in Cuenca, Ecuador. In this edition, WER will run
in para-
llel with CIbSE'10 (http://www.upacifico.edu.ec/Cibse.html).
WER'10 invites submissions of high quality unpublished papers describing
research and/or industrial experiences in the field of Requirements
Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to:
Requirements elicitation, analysis, and documentation
Requirements validation, and visualization
Requirements specification languages, methods, processes, and tools
Requirements management, traceability, and allocation
Requirements prioritization, and negotiation
Modeling of requirements, goals, and domains
Viewpoints in requirements
Non-functional requirements
Requirements engineering and software architecture
Aspect-oriented requirements engineering
Requirements for COTS-based systems
Requirements for Web-based systems and mobile websites
Requirements engineering for self adaptive systems
Requirements for the agent-oriented paradigm
Requirements for product lines
Requirements engineering case studies and experiences
Social, cultural, and cognitive factors in requirements engineering
Aligning requirements to business goals and processes
Requirements engineering education and training
Papers may be in English, Portuguese or Spanish but English is
preferred. During
the event, participants must present their work in English. Papers must
not ex-
ceed 12 pages including figures, author's information, abstract, and
phy. They should be submitted using the 8.5" x 11", two-column IEEE CS
Proceedings format as a PDF file, available at:
computer.org/press/outgoing/proceedings/instruct8.5x11.doc" target="_blank">ftp://pubftp.computer.org/press/outgoing/proceedings/instruct8.5x11.doc
Papers will be published by the organization in a book with ISBN number.
onally, papers will be indexed by DBLP and made available in WER series
Paper Submission Deadline: November 07, 2009.
Acceptance Notification: December 29, 2009.
Camera Ready Due: February 09, 2010.
Workshop: April 12 - 13, 2010.
General Chair: Juan P. Carvallo (jpcarvallo-AT-etapatelecom.com)
Universidad del Pacífico, Ecuador
Program Co-Chairs: Graciela Hadad (ghadad-AT-unlam.edu.ar)
Universidad Nacional de La Matanza, Argentina
Oscar Dieste (odieste-AT-fi.upm.es)
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
To contribute to SEWORLD, send your submission to
http://www.sigsoft.org/seworld provides more
information on SEWORLD as well as a complete archive of
messages posted to the list.
April 12-13, 2010 - Cuenca, Ecuador
WER'10 is the thirteenth edition of the Workshop on Requirements
Engineering se-
ries. The workshop started as a meeting of the Ibero-American
requirements engi-
neering community, and by now it attracts researchers from all
continents. In
2010 WER will be held in Cuenca, Ecuador. In this edition, WER will run
in para-
llel with CIbSE'10 (http://www.upacifico.edu.ec/Cibse.html).
WER'10 invites submissions of high quality unpublished papers describing
research and/or industrial experiences in the field of Requirements
Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to:
Requirements elicitation, analysis, and documentation
Requirements validation, and visualization
Requirements specification languages, methods, processes, and tools
Requirements management, traceability, and allocation
Requirements prioritization, and negotiation
Modeling of requirements, goals, and domains
Viewpoints in requirements
Non-functional requirements
Requirements engineering and software architecture
Aspect-oriented requirements engineering
Requirements for COTS-based systems
Requirements for Web-based systems and mobile websites
Requirements engineering for self adaptive systems
Requirements for the agent-oriented paradigm
Requirements for product lines
Requirements engineering case studies and experiences
Social, cultural, and cognitive factors in requirements engineering
Aligning requirements to business goals and processes
Requirements engineering education and training
Papers may be in English, Portuguese or Spanish but English is
preferred. During
the event, participants must present their work in English. Papers must
not ex-
ceed 12 pages including figures, author's information, abstract, and
phy. They should be submitted using the 8.5" x 11", two-column IEEE CS
Proceedings format as a PDF file, available at:
computer.org/press/outgoing/proceedings/instruct8.5x11.doc" target="_blank">ftp://pubftp.computer.org/press/outgoing/proceedings/instruct8.5x11.doc
Papers will be published by the organization in a book with ISBN number.
onally, papers will be indexed by DBLP and made available in WER series
Paper Submission Deadline: November 07, 2009.
Acceptance Notification: December 29, 2009.
Camera Ready Due: February 09, 2010.
Workshop: April 12 - 13, 2010.
General Chair: Juan P. Carvallo (jpcarvallo-AT-etapatelecom.com)
Universidad del Pacífico, Ecuador
Program Co-Chairs: Graciela Hadad (ghadad-AT-unlam.edu.ar)
Universidad Nacional de La Matanza, Argentina
Oscar Dieste (odieste-AT-fi.upm.es)
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
To contribute to SEWORLD, send your submission to
http://www.sigsoft.org/seworld provides more
information on SEWORLD as well as a complete archive of
messages posted to the list.
Other CFPs
- ICAC 2010 7th International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Communications
- Sixth International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams Diagrams 2010
- ITNG 2010 7th International Conference on Information Technology New Generations
- RCIS 2010 Fourth International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science
- AOSD 2010 9th International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development
Last modified: 2010-06-04 19:32:22