ADAPT 2013 - 3rd International Workshop on Adaptive Self-tuning Computing Systems
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Topics/Call fo Papers
ADAPT: 3rd International Workshop on
Adaptive Self-tuning Computing Systems
January 22nd, 2012, Berlin, Germany
(co-located with HiPEAC 2013)
Computing systems are rapidly evolving into heterogeneous machines
featuring many processor cores. This leads to a tremendous complexity
with an unprecedented number of available design and optimization
choices for architectures, applications, compilers and run-time
systems. Using outdated, non-adaptive technology results in an
enormous waste of expensive computing resources and energy, while
slowing down time to market.
The 3rd International Workshop on Adaptive Self-tuning Computing
Systems is an interdisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners,
developers and application writers to discuss ideas, experience,
methodology, applications, practical techniques and tools to improve
or change current and future computing systems using self-tuning
technology. Such systems should be able to automatically adjust their
behaviour to multi-objective usage scenarios at all levels (hardware
and software) based on empirical, dynamic, iterative, statistical,
collective, bio-inspired, machine learning and alternative techniques
while fully utilizing available resources.
All papers will be peer-reviewed including short position papers and
should include ideas on how to simplify, automate and standardize the
design, programming, optimization and adaptation of large-scale
computing systems for multiple objectives to improve performance,
power consumption, utilization, reliability and scalability.
Important Dates
* Abstract deadline: October 15, 2012
* Paper submission deadline: October 22, 2012
* Author notification: November 26, 2012
* Final paper version: December 10, 2012
Program Chairs/organizers:
* Christophe Dubach (University of Edinburgh, UK)
* Grigori Fursin (INRIA Saclay, France)
Program Committee:
* Erik Altman (IBM TJ Watson, USA)
* Marisa Gil (UPC, Spain)
* Vijay Janapa Reddi (UT Austin, USA)
* Timothy Jones (University of Cambridge, UK)
* Jaejin Lee (Seoul National University, Korea)
* Anton Lokmotov (ARM, UK)
* Chi-Keung Luk (Intel, USA)
* Tipp Moseley (Google, USA)
* Lasse Natvig (NTNU, Norway)
* David Padua (UIUC, USA)
* Markus Pueschel (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
* Juergen Teich (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany)
* Chengyong Wu (ICT, China)
Paper Submission Guidelines
We invite papers in two categories:
* Full papers should be at most 6 pages long (excluding
bibliography). Papers in this category are expected to have relatively
mature content.
* Position papers should be between 1-2 pages long (excluding
bibliography). Preliminary and exploratory work are welcome in this
category, including wild & crazy ideas. Authors submitting papers in
this category must prepend “Position Paper:” to the title of the
submitted paper.
Paper submission information:
ADAPT: 3rd International Workshop on
Adaptive Self-tuning Computing Systems
January 22nd, 2012, Berlin, Germany
(co-located with HiPEAC 2013)
Computing systems are rapidly evolving into heterogeneous machines
featuring many processor cores. This leads to a tremendous complexity
with an unprecedented number of available design and optimization
choices for architectures, applications, compilers and run-time
systems. Using outdated, non-adaptive technology results in an
enormous waste of expensive computing resources and energy, while
slowing down time to market.
The 3rd International Workshop on Adaptive Self-tuning Computing
Systems is an interdisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners,
developers and application writers to discuss ideas, experience,
methodology, applications, practical techniques and tools to improve
or change current and future computing systems using self-tuning
technology. Such systems should be able to automatically adjust their
behaviour to multi-objective usage scenarios at all levels (hardware
and software) based on empirical, dynamic, iterative, statistical,
collective, bio-inspired, machine learning and alternative techniques
while fully utilizing available resources.
All papers will be peer-reviewed including short position papers and
should include ideas on how to simplify, automate and standardize the
design, programming, optimization and adaptation of large-scale
computing systems for multiple objectives to improve performance,
power consumption, utilization, reliability and scalability.
Important Dates
* Abstract deadline: October 15, 2012
* Paper submission deadline: October 22, 2012
* Author notification: November 26, 2012
* Final paper version: December 10, 2012
Program Chairs/organizers:
* Christophe Dubach (University of Edinburgh, UK)
* Grigori Fursin (INRIA Saclay, France)
Program Committee:
* Erik Altman (IBM TJ Watson, USA)
* Marisa Gil (UPC, Spain)
* Vijay Janapa Reddi (UT Austin, USA)
* Timothy Jones (University of Cambridge, UK)
* Jaejin Lee (Seoul National University, Korea)
* Anton Lokmotov (ARM, UK)
* Chi-Keung Luk (Intel, USA)
* Tipp Moseley (Google, USA)
* Lasse Natvig (NTNU, Norway)
* David Padua (UIUC, USA)
* Markus Pueschel (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
* Juergen Teich (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany)
* Chengyong Wu (ICT, China)
Paper Submission Guidelines
We invite papers in two categories:
* Full papers should be at most 6 pages long (excluding
bibliography). Papers in this category are expected to have relatively
mature content.
* Position papers should be between 1-2 pages long (excluding
bibliography). Preliminary and exploratory work are welcome in this
category, including wild & crazy ideas. Authors submitting papers in
this category must prepend “Position Paper:” to the title of the
submitted paper.
Paper submission information:
Other CFPs
Last modified: 2012-09-06 22:51:25