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China Leaders 2012 - China Leaders Forum 2012 New York



VenueNew York, USA - United States USA - United States

KeywordsHedge Fund; networking; workshop


Topics/Call fo Papers

October 2, 2012
As China’s importance in the world economy has grown, so has interest in its financial sector. Additionally, the advancing liberalization of China’s capital flows and the internationalization of the Chinese renminbi will have pervasive consequences for the Chinese financial system. However, significant flaws persist embedded in China’s domestic financial system. China’s underdeveloped financial system represents a serious problem to the continued growth and diversification of its economy. China is growing at its slowest pace since the recession- a worrisome sign for the broader global economy. Therefore, as the world's two largest economies following diverging paths, the United States and China must lead the world through a cooperative approach, especially under European Union’s unflagging burdening debt situation. Topics that China Leaders Forum 2012 New York will discuss include:
? Internationalization of the Renminbi
? Post- crisis relationship between US and China
? The Euro Debt Crisis and How it will Affect the Chinese Economy
? China’s Investments in Europe: To Save or Not to Save the Euro?
? What steps China will need to perform in order to maintain its growth and success?

Schulte Roth & Zabel LLP
919 Third Avenue
(Entrance on 55th Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues)
New York, NY, 10022

Last modified: 2012-08-21 07:05:39