SWUMA 2012 - 3rd Workshop on the Use of Semantic Web Technology for Mobile and Ubiquitous Applications
Topics/Call fo Papers
In order for pervasive and mobile platforms to use large and complex ontologies, online algorithms are required to fragment ontologies on-the-fly. Resource limited platforms which are required to work in real-time environments can reuse ontological definitions to build their own vocabulary for their domains. Traditional ontology evolution approaches are not suitable for this purpose because they focus on creating sound and complete ontologies. We call for satisficing approaches that provide a 'good enough answer' while limiting overhead costs, because resource limited platforms would not be able to store, use or infer over large complete ontologies. In this workshop we ask, how can we use large ontologies in constrained environments and how can we build domain specific ontologies for resource limited platforms? We are particularly interested in research focused on (a) automatic online evolution algorithms, (b) scalable ontology evolution algorithms, (c) generating just-in-time ontology modules and fragments, and (d) evaluation frameworks. This workshop aims to gather research covering the above mentioned challenges, and bringing together researchers and foster future collaborations.
Other CFPs
- Workshop on Quantitative Formalization in the Semantic Web
- Joint Workshop on Scalable and High-Performance Semantic Web Systems
- 8th International Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web
- International Workshop on Semantic Technologies meet Recommender Systems & Big Data
- The 2nd International Workshop on Linked Science 2012 ?Tackling Big Data
Last modified: 2012-06-02 00:02:14