NFMCP 2012 - International Workshop on New Frontiers in Mining Complex Patterns
VenueBristol, UK - United Kingdom
Topics/Call fo Papers
NFMCP aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners of data mining interested in exploring emerging technologies and applications where complex patterns in expressive languages are principally extracted from new prominent data sources like blogs, event or log data, biological data, spatio-temporal data, social networks, mobility data, sensor data and streams, and so on. We are interested in advanced techniques which preserve the informative richness of data and allow us to efficiently and efficaciously identify complex information units present in such data.
Other CFPs
- 3rd International Workshop on Mining Ubiquitous and Social Environments (MUSE)
- SIGIR 2012 Workshop on Time-aware Information Access
- 2012 International Conference On Networked Embedded Systems For Every Application
- International Workshop On Optical Wireless Communications
- 2013 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC)
Last modified: 2012-05-20 21:13:35