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SBS 2012 - International Conference Strengths Based Practice in Social Work and Human Services



VenueKathmandu, Nepal Nepal



Topics/Call fo Papers

This international conference celebrates Strengths Based Practices in Social Work and Human Services that work with individuals, groups and communities and showcases the best professional and expert practitioners from Australia, South Asia, The United States of America and the Asia Pacific Region. The Conference is organised by the Brisbane Institute of Strengths Based Practices (Inc) and Nepal based NGOs and School of Social Work. and endorsed by several others. Its Previous Conferences were 2006 Hyderabad, 2009 Dubrovnik, 2010 Brisbane, 2011, Sarajevo and its collaborative Conferences were held in 2008 in Penang.
This conference aims to create a global interconnectedness between people seeking solutions for their local problems. It promotes a resilience approach as opposed to simply meeting deficits. We don’t intend asking at this conference ‘what problems do we have?’ Instead we ask, ‘what strengths do we have which allowed us to remain resilient despite the challenges we face?’ Unprecedented global transformations have occurred in the last two decades of the last century. Some societies are still reeling in their aftermath. People are asking for peace, sustainability and are looking forward for solutions that promote self reliance. There is a true global hunger for leadership and collective wisdom that can actively re-engage individuals, groups and communities, in our societies. The search is on for strengths- based practices at local, national and global levels, for strategies and actions that work.
Presentations may take a range of formats including Strengths-based narratives; discussion of methodology and theory and discussion of research and outcomes. Practical papers should include discussion of the following: What were the goals of the practice? What strategies were used? How were the target individuals / group/ community empowered as a result of this practice? What lasting outcomes have resulted from the practice? (This may form the basis of discussion within the sessions.) From July onwards watch our website for speaker information.
What are Strengths Based Practices?
Strengths Based Practices (SBPs) concentrates on the inherent strengths of individuals, families groups and organisations deploying peoples' personal strengths to aid their recovery and empowerment. SBPs are empowering alternatives to traditional methods with individuals, group or organizational work. SBPs refrain from allowing crippling, labelling and stigmatized language. Descriptions and pathology owned by persons groups and organizations that suggest acceptance of their condition as hopeless or helpless to change are constructively challenged through SBPs. Strengths based strategies build and foster hope from within by focusing and working with precedent successes. SBPs strategies facilitate change by assisting to look at / what has worked? what does not work? and what might work presently making it important for facilitators and those desiring change to be integral to this process of change.
Abstracts Close July 5, 2012

Last modified: 2012-05-09 21:50:37