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ComeOn 2012 - Workshop on Cognitive and Machine-to-Machine Communications and Networking for Smart Grids (ComeOn)



VenueTainan, Taiwan Taiwan



Topics/Call fo Papers

Smart grid is a term referring to the next generation power grid in which the electricity distribution and management is upgraded by incorporating advanced two-way communications and pervasive computing capabilities for improved control, efficiency, reliability, safety, and services. It controls intelligent appliances at consumers’ home or office building to save energy, reduce cost and increase reliability, efficiency and transparency. Many existing communication technologies such as wireless, optical, as well as power line communications will have direct applicability to be part of the smart grid communication infrastructures. Wireless access networks and wireless sensor networks (WSNs) will play a major role in automatic meter reading, remote system monitoring, remote home/customer site monitoring, and equipment fault diagnosing. Core to a proper functioning of said next-generation grid is the collection of real-time status and quality control data from the many crucial points in the grid, ranging from transportation/distribution/consumer networks; and, most importantly, the analytics behind the data collection and decision making based on collected data. The former thus strongly calls for machine-to-machine (M2M) principles to be applied in the grid and the latter requires cognitive networking approaches to ensure viable operations.
As for machine-to-machine principles, it refers to an unprecedented communication paradigm facilitating the connection between a prior unseen number of devices is currently gripping both industrial as well as academic communities. It is essentially composed of three key ingredients: 1) a wireless end-device, 2) an infrastructure-based or infrastructure-less wireless carrier network, and 3) the back-end server network. The gamut of application is vast, including emerging applications in the smart grid, smart cities and many other applications. Market prospects of M2M are thus very encouraging, which was estimated at ?200bn in Q4 2010 connecting an enormous amount of communicating devices. M2M systems bear very specific and unparalleled challenges in both research and development. Prime design drivers here are the need for virtually zero-outage, immediate-response and high-efficiency to support reliable, green, long-living and delay-constrained M2M applications. With no clear winner established so far, two orthogonal approaches have thus commenced to contend for the M2M market, i.e. 1) cellular solutions relying on wide coverage; and 2) purely embedded solutions relying on cheap deployments. The prime objective is to leverage on latest ETSI M2M, IEEE, etc, standardization work as well as latest academic developments to apply it to the surging area of smart grid.
As for the cognitive principles, it is indeed beneficial to introduce cognitive radio (CR) technology to the smart grid. The opportunistic spectrum access CR is a promising wireless efficient technology to improve the frequency/spectrum utilization by detecting unoccupied spectrum holes and assigning them to secondary users (SUs). The versatile features of cognitive radio technology meet the requirements of smart grid communications and have drawn much attention recently. The usage of cognitive radio in the smart grid potentially improves spectrum utilization and communication capacity to support large-scale smart grid data transmissions. To enhance the technology trend, the proposed workshop is to bring together the state-of-the-art research contribution that describes original and unpublished work addressing the new emerging techniques on cognitive radio communications and networks, and M2M communications for smart grid. It seeks high quality submissions in both theoretical and practical research.Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following scopes:

Cognitive Radio Communication Infrastructure for smart grid
Physical and MAC protocol design for smart grid
Multi-hop cognitive radio communications for smart grid
Novel communication architecture for smart grid
Performance measurements for cognitive radio based smart grid communications
New media applications for smart grid,
Cognitive Radio Networks Security issues for smart grid
The reliability of Smart Grid system over cognitive radio networks
Other topic related to either cognitive radio networks and smart grid
Cognitive radio standardization for smart grid
M2M architecture and services for smart grid

Last modified: 2012-05-03 00:28:30