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SNA-KDD 2012 - The 6th SNA-KDD Workshop on Social Network Mining and Analysis



VenueBeijing, China China



Topics/Call fo Papers

The sixth SNA-KDD 2012 aims to bring together practitioners and researchers with a specific focus on the emerging trends and industry needs associated with the traditional Web, the social Web, and other forms of social networking systems. Both theoretical and experimental submissions are encouraged. The interesting topics include (1) data mining advances on the discovery and analysis of communities, on personalization for solitary activities (like search) and social activities (like discovery of potential friends), on the analysis of user behavior in open fora (like conventional sites, blogs and fora) and in commercial platforms (like e-auctions) and on the associated security and privacy-preservation challenges; (2) social network modeling, scalable, customizable social network infrastructure construction, dynamic growth and evolution patterns identification and discovery using machine learning approaches or multi-agent based simulation.
Papers should elaborate on data mining methods, issues associated to data preparation and pattern interpretation, both for conventional data (usage logs, query logs, document collections) and for multimedia data (pictures and their annotations, multi-channel usage data). Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
Communities discovery and analysis in large scale online and offline social networks;
Personalization for search and for social interaction;
Recommendations for product purchase, information acquisition and establishment of social relations;
Data protection inside communities;
Misbehavior detection in communities;
Web mining algorithms for clickstreams, documents and search streams;
Preparing data for web mining;
Pattern presentation for end-users and experts;
Evolution of patterns in the Web;
Evolution of communities in the Web;
Dynamics and evolution patterns of social networks, trend prediction;
Contextual social network analysis;
Temporal analysis on social networks topologies;
Search algorithms on social networks;
Multi-agent based social network modeling and analysis;
Application of social network analysis;
Anomaly detection in social network evolution;
Role identification and relation analysis in social network;
Collective social network integration and analysis.
Specifically, in SNA-KDD 2012 we encourage paper submissions in the following three sub-domains of social networks for the interests of the special issue of ACM TIST Transaction (note that the interests of this special issue are only encouraged but not limited to the below topics):
Mobile social networks
Social network analysis and mining for life science (health) applications
Crowdsourcing in social networks

Last modified: 2012-03-31 00:10:51