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EPE 2012 - 2012 International Conference and Exposition on Electrical and Power Engineering (EPE)



VenueIasi, Romania Romania



Topics/Call fo Papers

Organized by SETIS Association for the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Iasi, the EPE Conference is confirmed as an important event in the community of Electrical Engineering. The conference started in 1999 and is being held on alternate years, with the intent of attracting a wide national an international audience from both the academic and industrial communities.

This year the conference is organized under the auspicies of the Centennial of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Iasi which also represents the start of the Romanian higher education in Electrical Engineering. The EPE Conference will be one of the most important of a series of unique events that are organized in Iasi with this occasion.


Artificial intelligence and expert systems
Automotive equipment and electrical traction
Bio-, Nano- materials & technologies applied in electrical engineering
Electrical apparatus
Electrical energy transport and distribution
Electrical energy utilizations
Electrical machines and drives
Electromagnetic field
Electronics and mechatronics
Industrial information technology
Linear and nonlinear circuits
Metrology and measurement systems
Quality, reliability and maintenance
Thermal and electrical power generation

Last modified: 2011-12-01 18:58:05