REDEOC 2012 - Upcoming seminar: "Researching embodiment in digital environments: opportunities and challenges"
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Age of Transformation: Opportunities and Challenges
- 13th International Conference on Opportunities and Challenges in Management, Economics and Accounting
- 7th international conference on Digital helath
- 2nd International Conference on Digital Transformation and Innovation Management
- Digital Forensics Doctoral Symposium
Topics/Call fo Papers
Upcoming seminar: "Researching embodiment in digital environments: opportunities and challenges"
14th March 2012, 11:00-16:00 (followed by public seminar until 17:30)
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. Fee: £20
Lead: Professor Carey Jewitt/Dr Sara Price - Institute of Education, London
Aim and focus
This seminar will examine how embodiment is understood and researched within digital technologies (e.g. tangible, sensor, mobile) with a focus on three themes:
1) physical manipulation through tangible technologies;
2) context-based interaction through mobile devices; and
3) whole-body physical action through sensor-based technologies.
The seminar will use a mix of presentation, data examples, discussion, and structured exercises to explore concepts and methodological approaches to embodiment in these different contexts of interaction. It is designed to ensure time is available for participant discussion to explore their own ideas, research and to create opportunities for extending these themes.
Who is this seminar for?
Early Career Researchers; postgraduate researchers (PhD and Masters students) and those interested in research around embodiment and digital technologies. No prior knowledge needed
To register for this seminar please visit our online registration site<> and for more information please visit the MODE website<> or contact Anna Waring.<>
MODE<> is a node of the National Centre for Research Methods<> and funded by the Economic and Social Research Council. Based at the Institute of Education, University of London, we deliver an innovative programme of research and training on digital data and environments. We are developing multimodal methodologies for social scientists, providing systematic ways to investigate all modes of communication used in digital environments, whether they are sites of learning, work, or 'social' sites (e.g. Facebook).
The objectives of MODE are to
1. Establish a strategic focal point for the development, delivery and dissemination of multimodal methodologies, training and capacity building;
2. Set up and carry out research in digital environments to try out and develop new multimodal methodologies;
3. Provide a coherent program of training and capacity building activities in multimodal methodologies for social science researchers;
4. Build a social science research community that enhances the UK's profile and leading position in multimodal methodologies and digital technologies.
14th March 2012, 11:00-16:00 (followed by public seminar until 17:30)
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. Fee: £20
Lead: Professor Carey Jewitt/Dr Sara Price - Institute of Education, London
Aim and focus
This seminar will examine how embodiment is understood and researched within digital technologies (e.g. tangible, sensor, mobile) with a focus on three themes:
1) physical manipulation through tangible technologies;
2) context-based interaction through mobile devices; and
3) whole-body physical action through sensor-based technologies.
The seminar will use a mix of presentation, data examples, discussion, and structured exercises to explore concepts and methodological approaches to embodiment in these different contexts of interaction. It is designed to ensure time is available for participant discussion to explore their own ideas, research and to create opportunities for extending these themes.
Who is this seminar for?
Early Career Researchers; postgraduate researchers (PhD and Masters students) and those interested in research around embodiment and digital technologies. No prior knowledge needed
To register for this seminar please visit our online registration site<> and for more information please visit the MODE website<> or contact Anna Waring.<>
MODE<> is a node of the National Centre for Research Methods<> and funded by the Economic and Social Research Council. Based at the Institute of Education, University of London, we deliver an innovative programme of research and training on digital data and environments. We are developing multimodal methodologies for social scientists, providing systematic ways to investigate all modes of communication used in digital environments, whether they are sites of learning, work, or 'social' sites (e.g. Facebook).
The objectives of MODE are to
1. Establish a strategic focal point for the development, delivery and dissemination of multimodal methodologies, training and capacity building;
2. Set up and carry out research in digital environments to try out and develop new multimodal methodologies;
3. Provide a coherent program of training and capacity building activities in multimodal methodologies for social science researchers;
4. Build a social science research community that enhances the UK's profile and leading position in multimodal methodologies and digital technologies.
Other CFPs
- 2nd International Conference of Photography and Theory (ICPT 2012)
- 3rd FLEET International Conference on Foreign Language Learning and teaching
- 2012 International Conference on Nanomaterials and Electronics Engineering
- 5th Workshop on Applied Robotics and Automation
- Workshop on Simulation and EGSE for Space Programmes (SESP)
Last modified: 2012-03-01 11:32:09