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TENCON 2010 - TENCON-2010 Computer, Circuit and Systems, Antennas and Propagation



VenueFukuoka, Japan Japan

KeywordsPower and Energy;Signal Processing;Computational Intelligence


Topics/Call fo Papers

Final Call for Papers TENCON 2010, IEEE ID #15797, co-sponsored by IEEE
Region 10 and IEEE Fukuoka Section. Techincal co-sponsored by IEEE Japan
Council, R10 WIE, and WIE Japan.

TENCON 2010 Scope: Information and Communication Technology

21-24 November 2010, Fukuoka Convention Center
Submission Deadline for Full Paper: 31 May 2010
Submit your paper at
Enquiry: Email:

TENCON is a premier international technical conference of IEEE Region
10, also referred as the Asia Pacific Region. Held annually since 1980,
TENCON provides an important forum for researchers and engineers from
the industries, and professors and graduate students from the academia
to network and to discuss new ideas and developments in emerging areas
of electrical and electronics engineering, computer science and related

TENCON 2010 will be held in Fukuoka during 21-24 November 2010. The
conference will feature plenary / invited talks by eminent scientists
and engineers, tutorials, paper presentations, and poster sessions.

The online electronic paper submission already opened and the
prospective authors are invited to submit their papers in standard IEEE
proceedings format as instructed in the on-line Paper Submission column.
TENCON 2010 topics include but are not limited to:

Power and Energy
Devices, Materials, and Processing
Signal Processing and Applications
Networks, Communications
Computational Intelligence and Robotics
Computing Architectures and Systems
Software and Database Systems
Circuits and Systems
Biomedical Engineering and All Other Topics Covered by IEEE
Woman In Engineering

Tutorial sessions are also solicited on the above mentioned topics.
Please contact tutorial chair Prof. Masumi Toyoshima
( Details are instructed in the
TENCON2010 website.

Papers for WIE session are also invited. Please see information in the
TENCON2010 website.


Paper Submission and Tutorial Proposal Deadline (Extended!)
31 May 2010

Notification of Paper Acceptance
15 August 2010

Camera Ready Paper Submission
11 September 2010

Early Bird & Authors Registration Deadline
11 September 2010

For assistance, contact:

TENCON 2010 Secretariat
FAX: +81-92-852-3455

Last modified: 2010-06-04 19:32:22