NBiS 2010 - The 13-th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS-2010)
- 8th International Conference on Education, Network and Information Technology
- 10th International Conference on Information and Network Technologies (ICINT 2025)
- 3rd International Conference on Information Network and Computer Communications(INCC 2025)
- The 5th Int'l Conference on Information Security and Network Security(ISNS 2025)
- 19th European Conference on Games Based Learning
Topics/Call fo Papers
The 13-th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems
Hida Erath Wisdom Center (http://www.hida-center.jp/english/html/guide.htm),
Takayama, Gifu, Japan
September 14 - 16, 2010
Workshop Proposal Deadline: October 1, 2009
Submission Deadline: February 20, 2010
Authors Notification: April 10, 2010
Author Registration: June 10, 2010
Final Manuscript: July 1, 2010
Conference Dates: September 14-16, 2010
The International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS) started as an International workshop in 1998, which was held in Vienna, Austria in conjunction with DEXA International Conference. From 1998, NBiS had been held successfully every year and high quality papers are presented. After the 9-th NBiS, which was held at Krakow, Poland in 2006, NBiS was promoted to an International Conference and the 10-th NBiS was held in Regensburg, Germany in 2007 as International Conference.
NBIS is becoming a very important event for network research community and is improved every year in quality and quantity.
The 12-th NBiS was held at Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis (IUPUI), USA, from August 19 to August 21, 2009.
The 13-th NBiS will be held at Takayama, Gifu, Japan from September 15 to September 17, 2010.
Takayama is a very traditional beautiful city located in Gifu Prefecture.
For more information please see the following URL: http://www.hida.jp/english/index.htm.
The main objective of NBiS is to bring together researchers from both network systems and information systems with the aim of encouraging the exchange of ideas and experience between these two communities. It will represent an international forum to give an overview of the most recent trends.
In the past decade, our network infrastructure has undergone radical changes. It has evolved from a small number of interconnected computer networks to a global socio-technical infrastructure, where people communicate and interact spontaneously in cyber space and with the cyber physical world, create content and share knowledge over a network of heterogeneous networks. In the future, global society will increasingly rely on socio-technical networks designed in harmony with societal values and economic viability, with enhanced security, privacy, resilience, availability and manageability, and the ability to incorporate as yet unforeseen technologies, applications and services.
Future networks should be available anytime and anywhere, be accessible from any communication device, require little or no management overhead, be resilient to failures and malicious attacks, and be trustworthy for all types of communication. They must be able to evolve over time to incorporate new technologies, support new classes of applications, and meet new requirements and challenges. They also need to accommodate growth and unforeseen changes across many dimensions, including traffic load, network size and topology, physical link characteristics, different types of applications, and heterogeneity, without significant performance degradation.
The conference scope ranges from home networks with numerous "smart" appliances to enterprise networks, core networks, and application-level networks.
The NBiS-2010 seeks original contributions in all relevant areas, including but not limited to the following topics.
-Communication Networks and Protocols
-Grid Computing Infrastructures
-P2P Networks and Applications
-Ubiquitous Computing Applications
-Pervasive Computing and Applications
-Autonomic Computing and Applications
-Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
-Sensor Networks
-Ad Hoc Networks
-Sensor and Actor Networks
-High-Speed Networks
-Parallel and Distributed Algorithms
-Routing Algorithms
-Scheduling, Resource Discovery and Allocation
-Interoperable Systems
-Distributed Object-Oriented Systems
-Databases and Data Mining
-Social Networks
-Network Security and Privacy
-Web and Internet Applications
-Electronic Commerce
-Networking Multimedia Systems and Applications
-Intelligent Information Systems
-Bio-inspired information systems
-Distance Learning Systems
-Eco Distributed Systems
-- NBiS Conference Steering Commitee Chairs
Makoto Takizawa, Seikei University, Japan
E-mail: makoto.takizawa{at}st.seikei.ac.jp
Leonard Barolli, Fukuoka Institute of Technology (FIT), Japan
E-mail: barolli{at}fit.ac.jp
-- NBiS-2010 General Co-Chairs
Minoru Uehara, Toyo University, Japan
E-mail: uehara{at}toyonet.toyo.ac.jp
Arjan Durresi, Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis (IUPUI), USA
E-mail: durresi{at}cs.iupui.edu
-- NBiS-2010 PC Co-Chairs
Tomoya Enokido, Risho University, Japan
E-mail: eno{at}ris.ac.jp
Fatos Xhafa, Technical University of Catalonia, Spain
E-mail: fatos.xhafa{at}gmail.com
Submit a full paper not more than eight pages (IEEE Computer Society proceedings Manuscripts: two column, single-spaced), including figures and references, using 10 font size, and number each page.
You can find instructions for authors how to format the IEEE CS proceedings Manuscripts, at the following web page: http://www.computer.org/portal/site/cscps/
Prepare your paper in PDF file (Adobe format), and submit it electronically to the NBiS-2010 web page: http://www.takilab.org/conf/nbis/2010/
Accepted papers will be given guidelines in preparing and submitting the final manuscript(s) together with the notification of acceptance.
Proceedings of the NBiS-2010 will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press. Presented papers at NBiS-2010 will be considered for publication in several Special Issues in International Journals.
If you would like to organize a workshop, please submit a workshop proposal including call for papers, number of papers to be accepted, contact person, to the NBiS-2010 workshop Co-Chairs by October 1, 2009. Proceedings of NBiS-2010 workshops will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press. The schedule of each workshop should follow the conference schedule.
-- Workshops Co-Chairs
Akio Koyama, Yamagata University, Japan
E-mail: akoyama{at}yz.yamagata-u.ac.jp
Markus Aleksy, ABB AG Corporate Research Centre, Germany
E-mail: aleksy{at}uni-mannheim.de
Steering Commitee Chairs
Makoto Takizawa, Seikei University, Japan
Leonard Barolli, Fukuoka Institute of Technology (FIT), Japan
General Co-Chairs
Minoru Uehara, Toyo University, Japan
Arjan Durresi, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI), USA
PC Co-Chairs
Tomoya Enokido, Risho University, Japan
Fatos Xhafa, Technical University of Catalonia, Spain
Workshop Co-Chairs
Akio Koyama, Yamagata University, Japan
Markus Aleksy, ABB AG Corporate Research Centre, Germany
Award Co-Chairs
Yoshitaka Shibata, Iwate Prefectural University, Japan
Elhadi Shakshuki, Acadia University, Canada
Chung-Ming Huang, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
International Liaison Co-Chairs
Irfan Awan, University of Bradford, UK
David Taniar, Monash University, Australia
Rozeta Miho, Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania
Publicity Co-Chairs
Hui-Huang Hsu, Tamkang University, Taiwan
Hiroshi Shigeno, Keio University, Japan
Muhammad Younas, Oxford Brookes University, UK
Local Arrangement Co-Chairs
Hirosasu Kesamaru, Takayama Convention Bureaw, Japan
Kaoru Yagai, Takayama Convention Bureaw, Japan
Web Administrator
Ailixier Aikebaier, Sekei University, Japan
Area Chairs
1. Parallel and Distributed Algorithms
Rajkumar Kettimuthu, Argonne National Laboratory and The University of Chicago, USA
Abderazek Ben Abdallah, The University of Aizu, Japan
2. Communication Networks and Protocols
Vamsi Paruchuri, University of Central Arkansas, USA
Bhed Bahadur Bista, Iwate Prefectural University, Japan
3. Databases and Data Mining
Wenny Rahayu, La Trobe University, Australia
Eric Pardede, La Trobe University, Australia
4. Grid, P2P Networks and Applications
Tevfik Kosar, Louisiana State University, USA
Valentin Cristea, Politecnica Bucarest, Romania
5. Web and Internet Applications
Kin Fun Li, University of Victoria, Canada
Hiroaki Nishino, Oita University, Japan
6. Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing Applications
Mieso Denko, University of Guelph, Canada
Agustinus Borgy Waluyo, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
7. Multimedia Systems and Applications
Chu-Song Chen, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
David Sheau-Ru Tong, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
8. Wireless Networks
Takahiro Hara, Osaka University, Japan
Lin Guan, Loughborough University, UK
9. Network Security and Privacy
Hiroaki Kikuchi, Tokai University, Japan
Yoshiaki Hori, Kyushu University, Japan
10. Biocomputing
Andrei Doncescu, LAAS CNRS Toulouse, France
Nabil Kabbaj, LAAS CNRS Toulouse, France
11. Cyber-Engineering and Digital Ecosystems
Farookh Hussain, Curtin University of Technology, Australia
Alex Talevski, Curtin University of Technology, Australia
Hida Erath Wisdom Center (http://www.hida-center.jp/english/html/guide.htm),
Takayama, Gifu, Japan
September 14 - 16, 2010
Workshop Proposal Deadline: October 1, 2009
Submission Deadline: February 20, 2010
Authors Notification: April 10, 2010
Author Registration: June 10, 2010
Final Manuscript: July 1, 2010
Conference Dates: September 14-16, 2010
The International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS) started as an International workshop in 1998, which was held in Vienna, Austria in conjunction with DEXA International Conference. From 1998, NBiS had been held successfully every year and high quality papers are presented. After the 9-th NBiS, which was held at Krakow, Poland in 2006, NBiS was promoted to an International Conference and the 10-th NBiS was held in Regensburg, Germany in 2007 as International Conference.
NBIS is becoming a very important event for network research community and is improved every year in quality and quantity.
The 12-th NBiS was held at Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis (IUPUI), USA, from August 19 to August 21, 2009.
The 13-th NBiS will be held at Takayama, Gifu, Japan from September 15 to September 17, 2010.
Takayama is a very traditional beautiful city located in Gifu Prefecture.
For more information please see the following URL: http://www.hida.jp/english/index.htm.
The main objective of NBiS is to bring together researchers from both network systems and information systems with the aim of encouraging the exchange of ideas and experience between these two communities. It will represent an international forum to give an overview of the most recent trends.
In the past decade, our network infrastructure has undergone radical changes. It has evolved from a small number of interconnected computer networks to a global socio-technical infrastructure, where people communicate and interact spontaneously in cyber space and with the cyber physical world, create content and share knowledge over a network of heterogeneous networks. In the future, global society will increasingly rely on socio-technical networks designed in harmony with societal values and economic viability, with enhanced security, privacy, resilience, availability and manageability, and the ability to incorporate as yet unforeseen technologies, applications and services.
Future networks should be available anytime and anywhere, be accessible from any communication device, require little or no management overhead, be resilient to failures and malicious attacks, and be trustworthy for all types of communication. They must be able to evolve over time to incorporate new technologies, support new classes of applications, and meet new requirements and challenges. They also need to accommodate growth and unforeseen changes across many dimensions, including traffic load, network size and topology, physical link characteristics, different types of applications, and heterogeneity, without significant performance degradation.
The conference scope ranges from home networks with numerous "smart" appliances to enterprise networks, core networks, and application-level networks.
The NBiS-2010 seeks original contributions in all relevant areas, including but not limited to the following topics.
-Communication Networks and Protocols
-Grid Computing Infrastructures
-P2P Networks and Applications
-Ubiquitous Computing Applications
-Pervasive Computing and Applications
-Autonomic Computing and Applications
-Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
-Sensor Networks
-Ad Hoc Networks
-Sensor and Actor Networks
-High-Speed Networks
-Parallel and Distributed Algorithms
-Routing Algorithms
-Scheduling, Resource Discovery and Allocation
-Interoperable Systems
-Distributed Object-Oriented Systems
-Databases and Data Mining
-Social Networks
-Network Security and Privacy
-Web and Internet Applications
-Electronic Commerce
-Networking Multimedia Systems and Applications
-Intelligent Information Systems
-Bio-inspired information systems
-Distance Learning Systems
-Eco Distributed Systems
-- NBiS Conference Steering Commitee Chairs
Makoto Takizawa, Seikei University, Japan
E-mail: makoto.takizawa{at}st.seikei.ac.jp
Leonard Barolli, Fukuoka Institute of Technology (FIT), Japan
E-mail: barolli{at}fit.ac.jp
-- NBiS-2010 General Co-Chairs
Minoru Uehara, Toyo University, Japan
E-mail: uehara{at}toyonet.toyo.ac.jp
Arjan Durresi, Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis (IUPUI), USA
E-mail: durresi{at}cs.iupui.edu
-- NBiS-2010 PC Co-Chairs
Tomoya Enokido, Risho University, Japan
E-mail: eno{at}ris.ac.jp
Fatos Xhafa, Technical University of Catalonia, Spain
E-mail: fatos.xhafa{at}gmail.com
Submit a full paper not more than eight pages (IEEE Computer Society proceedings Manuscripts: two column, single-spaced), including figures and references, using 10 font size, and number each page.
You can find instructions for authors how to format the IEEE CS proceedings Manuscripts, at the following web page: http://www.computer.org/portal/site/cscps/
Prepare your paper in PDF file (Adobe format), and submit it electronically to the NBiS-2010 web page: http://www.takilab.org/conf/nbis/2010/
Accepted papers will be given guidelines in preparing and submitting the final manuscript(s) together with the notification of acceptance.
Proceedings of the NBiS-2010 will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press. Presented papers at NBiS-2010 will be considered for publication in several Special Issues in International Journals.
If you would like to organize a workshop, please submit a workshop proposal including call for papers, number of papers to be accepted, contact person, to the NBiS-2010 workshop Co-Chairs by October 1, 2009. Proceedings of NBiS-2010 workshops will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press. The schedule of each workshop should follow the conference schedule.
-- Workshops Co-Chairs
Akio Koyama, Yamagata University, Japan
E-mail: akoyama{at}yz.yamagata-u.ac.jp
Markus Aleksy, ABB AG Corporate Research Centre, Germany
E-mail: aleksy{at}uni-mannheim.de
Steering Commitee Chairs
Makoto Takizawa, Seikei University, Japan
Leonard Barolli, Fukuoka Institute of Technology (FIT), Japan
General Co-Chairs
Minoru Uehara, Toyo University, Japan
Arjan Durresi, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI), USA
PC Co-Chairs
Tomoya Enokido, Risho University, Japan
Fatos Xhafa, Technical University of Catalonia, Spain
Workshop Co-Chairs
Akio Koyama, Yamagata University, Japan
Markus Aleksy, ABB AG Corporate Research Centre, Germany
Award Co-Chairs
Yoshitaka Shibata, Iwate Prefectural University, Japan
Elhadi Shakshuki, Acadia University, Canada
Chung-Ming Huang, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
International Liaison Co-Chairs
Irfan Awan, University of Bradford, UK
David Taniar, Monash University, Australia
Rozeta Miho, Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania
Publicity Co-Chairs
Hui-Huang Hsu, Tamkang University, Taiwan
Hiroshi Shigeno, Keio University, Japan
Muhammad Younas, Oxford Brookes University, UK
Local Arrangement Co-Chairs
Hirosasu Kesamaru, Takayama Convention Bureaw, Japan
Kaoru Yagai, Takayama Convention Bureaw, Japan
Web Administrator
Ailixier Aikebaier, Sekei University, Japan
Area Chairs
1. Parallel and Distributed Algorithms
Rajkumar Kettimuthu, Argonne National Laboratory and The University of Chicago, USA
Abderazek Ben Abdallah, The University of Aizu, Japan
2. Communication Networks and Protocols
Vamsi Paruchuri, University of Central Arkansas, USA
Bhed Bahadur Bista, Iwate Prefectural University, Japan
3. Databases and Data Mining
Wenny Rahayu, La Trobe University, Australia
Eric Pardede, La Trobe University, Australia
4. Grid, P2P Networks and Applications
Tevfik Kosar, Louisiana State University, USA
Valentin Cristea, Politecnica Bucarest, Romania
5. Web and Internet Applications
Kin Fun Li, University of Victoria, Canada
Hiroaki Nishino, Oita University, Japan
6. Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing Applications
Mieso Denko, University of Guelph, Canada
Agustinus Borgy Waluyo, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
7. Multimedia Systems and Applications
Chu-Song Chen, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
David Sheau-Ru Tong, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
8. Wireless Networks
Takahiro Hara, Osaka University, Japan
Lin Guan, Loughborough University, UK
9. Network Security and Privacy
Hiroaki Kikuchi, Tokai University, Japan
Yoshiaki Hori, Kyushu University, Japan
10. Biocomputing
Andrei Doncescu, LAAS CNRS Toulouse, France
Nabil Kabbaj, LAAS CNRS Toulouse, France
11. Cyber-Engineering and Digital Ecosystems
Farookh Hussain, Curtin University of Technology, Australia
Alex Talevski, Curtin University of Technology, Australia
Other CFPs
- 2010 International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications (VS-GAMES 2010)
- 2010 International Symposium on Flexible Automation (ISFA)
- Learning Africa 2010 â?“ LEARN, SHARE, NETWORK
- First National Conference on Innovations and Challenges in English Language Pedagogy
- 2010 International Conference on Logistics Systems and Intelligent Management (ICLSIM 2010)
Last modified: 2010-06-04 19:32:22