IWSM-MENSURA 2012 - 22nd International Workshop on Software Measurement (IWSM)
Topics/Call fo Papers
Software measurement and metrics are key technologies for managing and controlling software development projects. Measurement is essential for any engineering activity and for increasing scientific and technical knowledge regarding both the practice of software development and empirical research in software technology.
This congress will facilitate the exchange of software measurement experiences between theory and practice.
See the complete information and important dates -AT-
Software measurement and metrics are key technologies for managing and controlling software development projects. Measurement is essential for any engineering activity and for increasing scientific and technical knowledge regarding both the practice of software development and empirical research in software technology.
This congress will facilitate the exchange of software measurement experiences between theory and practice.
We encourage submissions in any field of software measurement, including, but not limited to:
- Software measurement foundations
- Practical measurement applications
- Measurement processes and resources
- Empirical case studies
- Measurement acceptance
- Functional size measurement
- Software Estimation
- Software process improvement
- Measurement for specific areas, e.g. web services
- Measurement for system engineering
- Measurement for integration, and testing
- Measurement databases
- Metrics validation
- Measurement services
- Measurement tools
- Measurement experience and guidance
- Theory of measurement
- Measurement paradigms
- Enterprise embedded solutions
- Software benchmarking
Authors should submit paper proposals through the Easychair system at: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iwsm-me...
Full papers (for IEEE proceedings ? 5 to 10 pages) or
Abstracts for short industry papers (3 to 6 pages)
Papers should not have already been published elsewhere. Nor should they have been submitted to a journal or to another conference. At least one among the authors of each paper accepted must register for the conference and commit to paper presentation.
This congress will facilitate the exchange of software measurement experiences between theory and practice.
See the complete information and important dates -AT-
Software measurement and metrics are key technologies for managing and controlling software development projects. Measurement is essential for any engineering activity and for increasing scientific and technical knowledge regarding both the practice of software development and empirical research in software technology.
This congress will facilitate the exchange of software measurement experiences between theory and practice.
We encourage submissions in any field of software measurement, including, but not limited to:
- Software measurement foundations
- Practical measurement applications
- Measurement processes and resources
- Empirical case studies
- Measurement acceptance
- Functional size measurement
- Software Estimation
- Software process improvement
- Measurement for specific areas, e.g. web services
- Measurement for system engineering
- Measurement for integration, and testing
- Measurement databases
- Metrics validation
- Measurement services
- Measurement tools
- Measurement experience and guidance
- Theory of measurement
- Measurement paradigms
- Enterprise embedded solutions
- Software benchmarking
Authors should submit paper proposals through the Easychair system at: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iwsm-me...
Full papers (for IEEE proceedings ? 5 to 10 pages) or
Abstracts for short industry papers (3 to 6 pages)
Papers should not have already been published elsewhere. Nor should they have been submitted to a journal or to another conference. At least one among the authors of each paper accepted must register for the conference and commit to paper presentation.
Other CFPs
- 2012 IEEE Visualization Conference (VIS)
- International Conference on Institutional Research and Institutional Management (IIAI- IRIM)
- International Conference on e-Services and Knowledge Management (IIAI- ESKM)
- The IIAI International Conference on Learning Technologies and Learning Environments (IIAI-LTLE2012)
- 2012 International Conference on Research Challenges in Social and Human Sciences (ICRCSHS 2012)
Last modified: 2012-04-15 00:53:47