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chinagoesglobal 2012 - 6th China Goes Global Conference



VenueCambridge, USA - United States USA - United States



Topics/Call fo Papers

6th China Goes Global Conference
October 8-10, 2012
Harvard University, Cambridge, USA
Conference Overview:
In the face of global economic turmoil over the past few years, China’s role in the world economy has continued to expand. In 2010, China overtook Germany as the world’s largest trading country. In 2011, China replaced Japan as the world’s second largest economy. Within five years, China may produce a larger share of world GNP than the United States. China’s globalization has fundamentally changed its socio-political, physical and economic links with the rest of the word, and China has emerged as a leader in trade and investment.
China has achieved much economic success, but it also faces numerous challenges that can seriously hinder its long-term development. China’s fast economic growth is unbalanced and, perhaps, unsustainable. China’s governance still lags behind on many indicators, the rule of law is not secure, voice and accountability are weak.
In this context, we announce the sixth international conference examining the multi-faceted aspects of China’s globalization. We seek papers and presentations that combine multi-disciplinary approaches to analyze different aspects of China’s businesses, economic, social, legal environments, political systems, and ethical and social structures.
Topics that will be considered for inclusion:
Outward Direct Investment (ODI) and internationalization of Chinese companies
Chinese global competitiveness and export performance, including under conditions of global financial turmoil
International modes of entry of Chinese companies, including M&A, OEM, ODM, OBM, etc.
The impact of Chinese firms on global politics, economics and the environment
New models of globalization among Chinese companies and government entities
State-owned enterprises and the role of state in the globalization of Chinese companiesChinese firms’ performance in local and global markets
The role of civic, political and economic freedoms in China’s sustainable competitiveness
Corporate governance and corporate social responsibility
Sustainable growth, impact on ecology and natural environment
Product safety, environmental and labor issues and green issues
Political transformation, institutional change, and international organizations
China’s policies towards acquisition of natural and strategic resources
Exchange Rate, foreign currency and the role of China in the global financial markets
Sovereign Wealth Funds and international capital movement
China’s new roles in a globalized world after the financial crisis
Techno-entrepreneurship, e-commerce, online development of China's globalization
The impact of new information and communication technologies on the globalization of Chinese companies
Country of origin effect of Chinese brands, China’s country image, and brand building
Impact of Chinese companies on innovation, clean technology, and patents
China’s political transitions and impact on enterprise globalization
We encourage completed papers but also accept works-in-progress papers and roundtable discussion proposals reflecting a range of theoretical and practical perspectives on the globalization of China and Chinese institutions, firms and people. We also encourage recent book authors of China-related book to submit a proposal to present their findings and insights.
Submitted papers will be double blind reviewed for consideration in the conference. Please submit your paper through our online submission system no later than 1 April, 2012. Papers should follow the author style and referencing guide provided on the conference website. By submitting a paper, all authors also agree to review up to 3 papers.
The conference provides an ideal opportunity for scholars and practitioners, as well as Ph.D. students to share and discuss their most recent high quality work with other experts in this research field. Depending on the quantity and quality of accepted papers, an edited book or special issue in a journal are planned.
Important Dates:
Deadline for submission: April 1, 2012
Paper acceptance/rejection: July 1, 2012
Revised paper submission: August 15, 2012
Registration Fee:
Please note that all presenters and participants must register to attend the conference. The early bird registration fee of USD 495 is due on July 15, 2012, and the regular registration fee of USD 595 is due on August 15, 2012. The registration fee includes refreshments, lunches, reception, and conference dinner. Conference registration does not include accommodation or travel costs.
Organizational Committee:
Dr. Ilan Alon, Cornell Professor, Director Rollins China and India Centers, Crummer Graduate School of Business, Rollins College, Asia Programs Visiting Scholar, Harvard University
Dr. Julian Chang, Executive Director, Rajawali Foundation Institute for Asia, Ash Center, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
Dr. Marc Fetscherin, Associate Professor and Cornell Distinguished Faculty, Rollins College & Asia Programs Fellow, Harvard University
Dr. Christoph Lattemann, Professor of Business Administration and Information Management, Jacobs University Bremen, Asia Programs Visiting Scholar, Harvard University
Dr. John R. McIntyre, Professor, Director of Georgia Tech CIBER, Georgia Institute of Technology

Last modified: 2012-01-27 15:39:18