HPI 2012 - Trust Management Symposium in HPI: Industry meets Academia
Topics/Call fo Papers
Trust Management Symposium in HPI: Industry meets Academia
March 22nd - March 23rd, 2012
Potsdam, Germany
Recognizing the growing interest in trust management problems and solutions, Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI)<http://www.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/willkommen.html?L=1> is organizing a symposium which brings trust management experts from the academic field as well as the industry to one place for lively discussions and to present the newest research and trends in the field. In cooperation with the International Federation for Information Processing, the Trust Management working group (IFIPTM)<http://www.ifip.org/bulletin/bulltcs/tc11_aim.htm#...>, the symposium will be held for a day and a half in March 22nd till 23rd, 2012 in Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam to discuss topics varying from trust models, trust in social media, reputation and recommendation systems, and identity management to topics such as privacy and trust in enterprise collaboration. The goal is to open collaboration channels to discuss research and to present problems in the industry that may have solutions in the academic world.
Areas of interest are:
* semantics and models for security and trust
* trust management architectures and mechanisms
* policy-based approach to trust management
* reputation and recommendation systems
* identity management
* privacy and trust
* trust in e-commerce, e-service, e-government
* trust in Semantic Web
* social and legal aspect of trust
We have an intriguing list of speakers from both academia and industry
* Prof. Audun Josang<http://folk.uio.no/josang/>, (Oslo Uni, Norway)
* Prof. Jordi Sabater-Mir<http://www.iiia.csic.es/~jsabater/> (IIIA-CSIC, Spain)
* Prof. Piero Bonatti<http://people.na.infn.it/~bonatti/index.html> (Napoli Uni, Italy)
* Prof. David Chadwick<http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/people/staff/dwc8/index.h...> (Kent Uni, UK)
* Prof. Tortsen Eymann<http://www.bwl7.uni-bayreuth.de/en/index.html> (Bayreuth Uni, Germany)
* Sini Ruohomaa<http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/ruohomaa/index.en.html> (Helsinki Uni, Finland)
* Rehab Alnemr<http://www.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/research_school/pers...> (Hasso Plattner Institute, Germany)
* Ivonne Thomas<http://www.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/research_school/pers...> (Hasso Plattner Institute, Germany)
* Stephen Naicken<http://stephennaicken.com/> (Sussex Uni, UK)
* Paolo Massa<http://www.paolomassa.it/> (FBK Center, Italy)
* Bryce Glass (Manta Media Inc., US), Co-author of the "Building Web Reputation" book
* Randy Farmer (Suddenly Social, US), Co-author of the "Building Web Reputation" book
* Dr. Tyrone Grandison<http://www.almaden.ibm.com/cs/people/tgrandison/> (IBM Almaden, US)
* Dan Whaley<http://hypothes.is/> (Hypothes.is<http://Hypothes.is/>, US)
* Michele Bezzi<http://www.effectsplus.eu/files/2011/04/Primelife-...> (SAP security and trust research lab, France)
* Florian Marienfeld<http://www.fokus.fraunhofer.de/en/motion/ueber_mot...> (Fraunhofer FOKUS Institute in Berlin, Germany)
* Dr. Bouchra Bouqata (GE Global Research, US)
* Ari Pietikäinen (Ericsson, Finland)
* Jochen Haller<http://www.teco.edu/~haller/> (SAP, Germany)
Symposium web site and registration: http://www.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/meinel/lehrstuhl/sym...
Event on Lanyrd: lanyrd.com/cfzqt<http://lanyrd.com/cfzqt>
Twitter: #TrustManagSymp<http://twitter.com/search/%23TrustManagSymp>
with dinner without dinner
Non-student Registration: 220 ? 150 ?
Student Registration: 170 ? 100 ?
Additional details about the speakers:
The symposium has an intriguing list of speakers that covers a broad range of fields and interests. It includes the authors of the “Building Web Reputation Systems” book, Randy Farmer and Bryce Glass. Randall "Randy" Farmer, COO at Suddenly Social in the US, has been creating online community systems for over 30 years, and has co-invented many of the basic structures for both virtual worlds and social software. His firsts include: one of the first multiplayer online games; one of the first message boards; the first virtual world; the first avatars; the first online marketplace; the first user newsfeed/friend feed (in Yahoo! 360°); the first multi-purpose reputation platform and grammar. Bryce Glass is a principle UX Designer at Manta Co. in the US and former senior interaction designer in Yahoo!. Speakers from the industry include Dr. Tyrone Grandison, who is an IBM Master Inventor and has co-invented over 20 patents, Bouchra Bouqata, a lead scientist in General Electric US, Dan Whaley founder of one of Silicon Valley's startup companies- Hypothes.is<http://Hypothes.is/>, and also speakers from SAP, Ericsson, and research centers such as FOKUS Institute in Berlin and the scientific and technological research center of Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK) in Italy.
The Symposium brings also very distinguished speakers from the academic field. One of the keynote speakers, Audun Jøsang, has an article "A survey of trust and reputation systems for online service provision" (2007) that was recognized by Thomson-Reuters ScienceWatch as the world’s most cited article in technology in the time window 2006-2010 (cited 1000+ times). Experts in the trust management field such as Jordi Sabater-Mir (who has published more than 90 articles in the field), Piero Bonatti (who authored more than 100 papers on security, trust, and knowledge representation), Torsten Eymann (who authored 3 books and more than 100 articles and the scientific coordinator of the eRep European project), David Chadwick (who has more than 140 publications in the field of Public Key Infrastructures, Privilege Management Infrastructures, Trust Management, Identity Management, and Privacy Management), and speakers from Sussex University, Helsini University, and Hasso Plattner Institute are presenting their latest research in the symposium.
For general inquiries, email the symposium organizer: rehab.alnemr-AT-hpi.uni-potsdam.de
Please email inquiries concerning registration and payments to: trustmgt-symp2012-AT-hpi.uni-potsdam.de
Best regards,
Rehab Alnemr<http://www.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/research_school/pers...>
Research Associate
Research School of Service-Oriented Systems Engineering
Chair of Internet Technologies- Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel
Tel: +49 (0) 331 5509-526
Hasso-Plattner-Institut für Softwaresystemtechnik GmbH
Prof.-Dr.-Helmert-Str. 2-3
14482 Potsdam
March 22nd - March 23rd, 2012
Potsdam, Germany
Recognizing the growing interest in trust management problems and solutions, Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI)<http://www.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/willkommen.html?L=1> is organizing a symposium which brings trust management experts from the academic field as well as the industry to one place for lively discussions and to present the newest research and trends in the field. In cooperation with the International Federation for Information Processing, the Trust Management working group (IFIPTM)<http://www.ifip.org/bulletin/bulltcs/tc11_aim.htm#...>, the symposium will be held for a day and a half in March 22nd till 23rd, 2012 in Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam to discuss topics varying from trust models, trust in social media, reputation and recommendation systems, and identity management to topics such as privacy and trust in enterprise collaboration. The goal is to open collaboration channels to discuss research and to present problems in the industry that may have solutions in the academic world.
Areas of interest are:
* semantics and models for security and trust
* trust management architectures and mechanisms
* policy-based approach to trust management
* reputation and recommendation systems
* identity management
* privacy and trust
* trust in e-commerce, e-service, e-government
* trust in Semantic Web
* social and legal aspect of trust
We have an intriguing list of speakers from both academia and industry
* Prof. Audun Josang<http://folk.uio.no/josang/>, (Oslo Uni, Norway)
* Prof. Jordi Sabater-Mir<http://www.iiia.csic.es/~jsabater/> (IIIA-CSIC, Spain)
* Prof. Piero Bonatti<http://people.na.infn.it/~bonatti/index.html> (Napoli Uni, Italy)
* Prof. David Chadwick<http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/people/staff/dwc8/index.h...> (Kent Uni, UK)
* Prof. Tortsen Eymann<http://www.bwl7.uni-bayreuth.de/en/index.html> (Bayreuth Uni, Germany)
* Sini Ruohomaa<http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/ruohomaa/index.en.html> (Helsinki Uni, Finland)
* Rehab Alnemr<http://www.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/research_school/pers...> (Hasso Plattner Institute, Germany)
* Ivonne Thomas<http://www.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/research_school/pers...> (Hasso Plattner Institute, Germany)
* Stephen Naicken<http://stephennaicken.com/> (Sussex Uni, UK)
* Paolo Massa<http://www.paolomassa.it/> (FBK Center, Italy)
* Bryce Glass (Manta Media Inc., US), Co-author of the "Building Web Reputation" book
* Randy Farmer (Suddenly Social, US), Co-author of the "Building Web Reputation" book
* Dr. Tyrone Grandison<http://www.almaden.ibm.com/cs/people/tgrandison/> (IBM Almaden, US)
* Dan Whaley<http://hypothes.is/> (Hypothes.is<http://Hypothes.is/>, US)
* Michele Bezzi<http://www.effectsplus.eu/files/2011/04/Primelife-...> (SAP security and trust research lab, France)
* Florian Marienfeld<http://www.fokus.fraunhofer.de/en/motion/ueber_mot...> (Fraunhofer FOKUS Institute in Berlin, Germany)
* Dr. Bouchra Bouqata (GE Global Research, US)
* Ari Pietikäinen (Ericsson, Finland)
* Jochen Haller<http://www.teco.edu/~haller/> (SAP, Germany)
Symposium web site and registration: http://www.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/meinel/lehrstuhl/sym...
Event on Lanyrd: lanyrd.com/cfzqt<http://lanyrd.com/cfzqt>
Twitter: #TrustManagSymp<http://twitter.com/search/%23TrustManagSymp>
with dinner without dinner
Non-student Registration: 220 ? 150 ?
Student Registration: 170 ? 100 ?
Additional details about the speakers:
The symposium has an intriguing list of speakers that covers a broad range of fields and interests. It includes the authors of the “Building Web Reputation Systems” book, Randy Farmer and Bryce Glass. Randall "Randy" Farmer, COO at Suddenly Social in the US, has been creating online community systems for over 30 years, and has co-invented many of the basic structures for both virtual worlds and social software. His firsts include: one of the first multiplayer online games; one of the first message boards; the first virtual world; the first avatars; the first online marketplace; the first user newsfeed/friend feed (in Yahoo! 360°); the first multi-purpose reputation platform and grammar. Bryce Glass is a principle UX Designer at Manta Co. in the US and former senior interaction designer in Yahoo!. Speakers from the industry include Dr. Tyrone Grandison, who is an IBM Master Inventor and has co-invented over 20 patents, Bouchra Bouqata, a lead scientist in General Electric US, Dan Whaley founder of one of Silicon Valley's startup companies- Hypothes.is<http://Hypothes.is/>, and also speakers from SAP, Ericsson, and research centers such as FOKUS Institute in Berlin and the scientific and technological research center of Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK) in Italy.
The Symposium brings also very distinguished speakers from the academic field. One of the keynote speakers, Audun Jøsang, has an article "A survey of trust and reputation systems for online service provision" (2007) that was recognized by Thomson-Reuters ScienceWatch as the world’s most cited article in technology in the time window 2006-2010 (cited 1000+ times). Experts in the trust management field such as Jordi Sabater-Mir (who has published more than 90 articles in the field), Piero Bonatti (who authored more than 100 papers on security, trust, and knowledge representation), Torsten Eymann (who authored 3 books and more than 100 articles and the scientific coordinator of the eRep European project), David Chadwick (who has more than 140 publications in the field of Public Key Infrastructures, Privilege Management Infrastructures, Trust Management, Identity Management, and Privacy Management), and speakers from Sussex University, Helsini University, and Hasso Plattner Institute are presenting their latest research in the symposium.
For general inquiries, email the symposium organizer: rehab.alnemr-AT-hpi.uni-potsdam.de
Please email inquiries concerning registration and payments to: trustmgt-symp2012-AT-hpi.uni-potsdam.de
Best regards,
Rehab Alnemr<http://www.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/research_school/pers...>
Research Associate
Research School of Service-Oriented Systems Engineering
Chair of Internet Technologies- Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel
Tel: +49 (0) 331 5509-526
Hasso-Plattner-Institut für Softwaresystemtechnik GmbH
Prof.-Dr.-Helmert-Str. 2-3
14482 Potsdam
Other CFPs
- The International Workshop on the Growing Problems with Scalable Heterogeneous Infrastructures
- 1st Regional Conference on Agrobiodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Utilization 2012 (RAC-1)
- 5th International Conference on Animal Nutrition 2012 (5th ICAN)
- International Conference on Fisheries and Marine Sciences 2012
- 19th Annual Conference on Multi-Organisational Partnerships, Alliances and Networks
Last modified: 2012-01-26 13:58:36