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CSEIE 2025 - The 2025 International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Intelligence Education

Date2025-06-27 - 2025-06-29


VenueAmsterdam, Netherlands, Netherlands, The Netherlands, The

KeywordsComputer; Intelligence Education; Conference


Topics/Call fo Papers

Topic 1: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Deep learning algorithm
Natural language processing
Intelligent systems and applications
Cognitive computing
Neural networks and their applications
Data mining and knowledge discovery
Reinforcement learning
Target detection and recognition
Image segmentation and registration
Image recovery and enhancement
3D computer vision
Biometrics and face recognition
Video surveillance and analytics
Virtual reality and computer graphics
Artificial intelligence technology and application
Topic 2: Systems Software Engineering
Agile software development
Software testing and quality assurance
Software maintenance and evolution
Formal methods and validation
Programming language and paradigm
Software measurement and measurement
Software architecture and design
Empirical software engineering
Human-computer interaction and user experience
Internet and information system development
Web-based applications
Program understanding and visualization
Programming language
Reliability modeling and analysis
Requirements engineering, reverse engineering and maintenance
Topic 3: Artificial Intelligence in Education
Online and blended learning environments
Learning management system
Technology enhanced learning
Mobile learning and ubiquitous computing
The model and framework of educational technology system
Intelligent and interactive technologies in educational environments
Intelligent tutoring system
Intelligent auxiliary scoring system
Personalized test platform
Educational data mining and learning analysis
Virtual and augmented reality in education
Artificial Intelligence and open learning
E-learning platforms and tools
Educational robot
Computer aided instruction

Last modified: 2025-02-25 16:50:46