ICPST 2025 - 3rd International Conference on Power Science and Technology (ICPST 2025)
Date2025-05-16 - 2025-05-18
VenueKunming, China
KeywordsPower Science
Topics/Call fo Papers
Accepted full papers will be collected in ICPST Conference Proceedings, to be included into IEEE Xplore, etc.
All previous ICPST proceedings get included by IEEE Xplore and indexed by EI Compendex, Scopus.
Selected papers will be invited to extend for journals of special issues:
Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems (PCMP) (ISSN: 2367-2617) .
Journal Rank: Q1;
Impact Factor: 11;
Indexing: SCI, Ei, Scopus, and etc.
Global Energy Interconnection(GEI) (Online ISSN: 2590-0358) .
Impact Factor: 4.6;
Indexing: SCI, Ei, Scopus, and etc.
Accepted full papers will be collected in ICPST Conference Proceedings, to be included into IEEE Xplore, etc.
All previous ICPST proceedings get included by IEEE Xplore and indexed by EI Compendex, Scopus.
Selected papers will be invited to extend for journals of special issues:
Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems (PCMP) (ISSN: 2367-2617) .
Journal Rank: Q1;
Impact Factor: 11;
Indexing: SCI, Ei, Scopus, and etc.
Global Energy Interconnection(GEI) (Online ISSN: 2590-0358) .
Impact Factor: 4.6;
Indexing: SCI, Ei, Scopus, and etc.
Other CFPs
Last modified: 2025-03-03 11:18:36