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HAR 2024 - 4th International Workshop on Deep Learning for Human Activity Recognition

Date2024-08-04 - 2024-08-08


VenueJeju Island, South Korea South Korea



Topics/Call fo Papers

Human activity recognition (HAR) can be used for a number of applications, such as health-care services and smart home applications. Many sensors have been utilized for human activity recognition, such as wearable sensors, smartphones, radio frequency (RF) sensors (WiFi, RFID), LED light sensors, cameras, etc. Owing to the rapid development of wireless sensor network, a large amount of data has been collected for the recognition of human activities with different kind of sensors. Conventional shallow learning algorithms, such as support vector machine and random forest, require to manually extract some representative features from large and noisy sensory data. However, manual feature engineering requires export knowledge and will inevitably miss implicit features.
Recently, deep learning has achieved great success in many challenging research areas, such as image recognition and natural language processing. The key merit of deep learning is to automatically learn representative features from massive data. This technology can be a good candidate for human activity recognition. Some initial attempts can be found in the literature. However, many challenging research problems in terms of accuracy, device heterogeneous, environment changes, etc. remain unsolved.
This workshop intends to prompt state-of-the-art approaches on deep learning for human activity recognition. The organizers invite researchers to participate and submit their research papers in the Deep Learning for Human Activity Recognition Workshop.

Last modified: 2024-07-06 23:30:35