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2024 - Opportunities and Considerations for Inhaled Biologics



VenueONLINE-VIRTUAL, USA - United States USA - United States

KeywordsLife Sciences; Clinical Trials; Drug Discovery & Development


Topics/Call fo Papers

Development of biologics continues to increase, with a substantial portion of pipeline molecules falling under this umbrella. Although injections remain a common delivery route, inhaled biologics are growing their share of the development pipeline. These therapies have the potential to expand treatment options across a wide range of therapeutic areas, from lung infectious diseases to acute and chronic lung and systemic diseases. Inhaled vaccines also present a valuable opportunity within this space.
To take full advantage of these benefits, a thorough understanding of the unique considerations for inhaled biologic development is key. From small and large peptides and proteins to RNA and gene-based therapies and more, the inhaled biologics space presents a wealth of opportunities for growth, but there are also key considerations that must be addressed. Developing biologics that can withstand formulation and delivery via inhalation is a complex process, requiring specific capabilities and expertise.
Register for this webinar today to gain insights into the current and future trends, opportunities and considerations for the development of inhaled biologics.
Keywords: Vaccine, Drug Development, Drug Delivery, Clinical Research, Biologic, Biosimilars, Inhaler, Inhalation, Therapeutic Areas, Vaccine Development, Inhalation Drug Delivery, Inhalation Drug Development, Biologics Manufacturing, CDMO/CMO

Last modified: 2024-05-16 02:47:21