LT 2012 - The First International Workshop on Load Testing of Large Software Systems (LT 2012)
Topics/Call fo Papers
The First International Workshop on Load Testing of Large Software Systems (LT 2012)
Website : LT 2012
Day : April 17, 2012
Modern software systems ranging from e-commerce websites to communication infrastructures must service millions of users. Many field problems of these systems are due to their inability to scale to field workloads, rather than due to feature bugs. To assure the quality of these systems, load testing simulates thousands or millions of users performing tasks at the same time. A load test can last from several hours to a few days, during which gigabytes of performance counter and log data is generated.
Load testing has received relatively little attention in the software testing research community. Yet, load testing is a difficult task requiring a great understanding of the system under test. Problems in the application under test, the load generator or the load environment all could be the sources of load testing problems. Furthermore, load testing is gaining more importance, as an increasing number of services are being offered in the cloud to millions of users. This one-day workshop brings together industrial practitioners and researchers to establish and grow an academic research community around this important and practical research topic.
Website : LT 2012
Day : April 17, 2012
Modern software systems ranging from e-commerce websites to communication infrastructures must service millions of users. Many field problems of these systems are due to their inability to scale to field workloads, rather than due to feature bugs. To assure the quality of these systems, load testing simulates thousands or millions of users performing tasks at the same time. A load test can last from several hours to a few days, during which gigabytes of performance counter and log data is generated.
Load testing has received relatively little attention in the software testing research community. Yet, load testing is a difficult task requiring a great understanding of the system under test. Problems in the application under test, the load generator or the load environment all could be the sources of load testing problems. Furthermore, load testing is gaining more importance, as an increasing number of services are being offered in the cloud to millions of users. This one-day workshop brings together industrial practitioners and researchers to establish and grow an academic research community around this important and practical research topic.
Other CFPs
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- Sustainability, Ethics, and Entrepreneurship (SEE)
Last modified: 2011-11-15 15:02:05