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Geo 2012 - 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Computing for Geospatial Research and Application



VenueWashington, USA - United States USA - United States

KeywordsComputer; Geospatial; GIS; Mobile; Cloud Computing; Big Data Computing; GPU Computing;


Topics/Call fo Papers

The explosion of computing driven geospatial based applications in the past few years has revolutionized the way we live and work. Computing technologies, such as sensor computing, cloud computing, mobile computing, visual computing, business intelligence, spatial database server, and high-performance computing, play key roles in geospatial technologies and applications.
COM.Geo focuses on the latest computing technologies for multidisciplinary research and development that enables the exploration in geospatial areas. Innovative geospatial research and application technologies are the brightest spotlights at COM.Geo conference. COM.Geo is playing a guiding role to advancing the technologies in computing for geospatial fields.
COM.Geo conference is an exclusive event that builds a bridge between computing and geospatial areas. It connects researchers, developers, scientists, and application users from academia, government, and industry in all related fields. COM.Geo 2012 is the 3nd International Conference and Exhibition on Computing for Geospatial Research and Application on July 1-3, 2012 in Washington DC Metro area.
COM.Geo 2012 Highlights
Big Data Computing for Geospatial R&A
US President Barack Obama’s administration announced a ‘Big Data’ research and development initiative in response to processing the large amount of data collected by geospatial and other systems. Under this initiative, several federal government agencies, NSF, USGS, DARPA, DOD, NIH, and DOE, commitment for the programs total $200 million.
Big Data refers to the rising flood of digital data from many different sources, including the sensors, digitizers, scanners, mobile phones, cameras, software-based tools, internet, and social network communications, and so on. “Immense” and “diverse” are two important characteristics of the "Big Data". The diversity of the "Big Data", such as text, geometry, image, video, or sound, also increases difficulties of big data processing. Many of such data are directly or indirectly related to geospatial information. The emerging opportunity arises from combining these diverse data sources with greatly improving computing tools and techniques needed to access, organize, analyze, visualize, and extract useful information from huge diverse data sets.
GPU Computing for Geospatial R&A
GPUs are accelerating everything! GPUs have been widely used for computer graphics and visualization geospatial applications for years. But today's GPUs are powerful for general purpose computing -- General Purpose Computing on the Graphics Processing Unit (GPGPU). GPGPU leverages the microprocessors that power many modern graphics cards. GPGPU has great promise for bringing the distributing processes to the geospatial research and application, such as point clouds based LiDAR data processing and large remote sensing image processing, etc.
Sensor Computing for Geospatial R&A
Sensors Everywhere! An increasing number of pervasive and connected sensors are intelligently monitoring our daily lives. Sensors are gathering and reporting data on a variety of areas including transportation, energy, security, medical, general consumer and industrial manufacturing. This sensor revolution is creating a new layer of the Internet -- "Internet of Things".
What will be a world characterized by sensors everywhere? How to handle sensor data explosion in such a world? At COM.Geo 2011, the workshop, Expanding Geoweb to An Internet of Things, was introduced. This year, COM.Geo 2012 will further bring more new thoughts to explore sensor computing for geospatial research and application.
Call For Submissions
COM.Geo conference is a leading-edge conference for computing for geospatial research and application. COM.Geo published submissions are read and cited worldwide. They have broad impact on the development of theory, method and practice in Computing for Geospatial fields. Authors must present accepted submissions at the COM.Geo conference. Accepted manuscripts appear in the COM.Geo Proceedings on Computing for Geospatial Research and Application, published by ACM, and in the ACM Digital Library.
COM.Geo Conference provides diverse sessions for submitters to demonstrate their work. COM.Geo invites you to submit research or application papers, tech talks and/or posters, demo talks and/or posters, to organize special sessions, courses, panels, and workshops. This is a good opportunity to demonstrate your work at the conference. Suggested topics include all computing, geospatial, and related applications. The program includes the following sessions:

Last modified: 2012-06-04 23:31:53