CIGE 2012 - International Conference on Control of Industrial Gaseous Emission
Topics/Call fo Papers

The changes that our planet has undergone throughout its history are a result of natural factors like tiny changes in the Earth's path around the sun, volcanic activity and fluctuations within the climate system. However, humans are having an increasing influence on our climate by burning fossil fuels, cutting down rainforests and farming livestock. The greenhouse gas most commonly produced by human activities is carbon dioxide (CO2),which is responsible for 63% of global warming. The greenhouse gases absorb infrared radiation and trap the heat in the atmosphere. Since the Industrial Revolution, the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere has increased by around 37%, and it continues to rise. The increasing CO2 level in the atmosphere will cause a severe damage to the eco-system. It has to be curtailed in all quarters of the activities related to the carbon emission.
This symposium will address these issues by providing a platform to the world scientific community, industrialists, environmentalists and the social scientists.
Topics covered in the conference
Air pollution control using physical and chemical systems
Treatment of air pollution using microbial systems (bacteria, fungi, algae and plants)
Microbiological aspects of biodegradation: physiology, metabolism and biodegradation pathways of volatile pollutants
Microbial populations in bioreactors; application of molecular techniques
Microbial strains and improved biocatalysts for the biodegradation of volatile pollutants
Odour control through bioprocesses
Bioconversion of volatile pollutants to useful products (conversion of CO, CO2 to bio-fuels)
Performance and optimization of conventional and novel bioreactor designs for air pollution treatment
Mathematical modeling of bioprocesses for air pollution control/prevention
Climate change and emission trading
Photo catalytic reactor
Other CFPs
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Last modified: 2011-11-14 09:27:47