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ICPDRE 2012 - 2012 International Conference on Product Development and Renewable Energy Resources - ICPDRE 2012



VenueCoimbatore, India India

KeywordsProduct Development;Renewable;Energy


Topics/Call fo Papers

ICPDRE 2012 Call for Papers

Coimbatore, India

The 2012 International Conference on Product Development and Renewable Energy Resources ? ICPDRE 2012 is the premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of Product Development and Renewable Energy Resources. The conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

Product Development

Managing R&D and innovation efforts in developing Countries

Product development strategy for developing country Markets

Competitive strategies for developing country markets

Managing product development teams within and across developing country markets

Managing risk in product development for developing country markets

Market research techniques for understanding diversity in developing country markets

Technology forecasting and portfolio management for developing country markets

Intellectual property protection and management in developing country markets

Innovative cost management in product development for developing country markets

Adapting products from developed countries for developing country markets

Managing and financing grassroots innovations for developing country markets

Innovations in industry ? government ? research institution networks in developing countries

Innovations in public services, financial services, e-governance in developing countries

Renewable Energy:

Wind Energy

Photovoltaic Energy

Solar Thermal Energy

Hybrid Energy

Biomass Energy

Energy Storage

Sustainable Energy

Energy Transfer

Policies and Regulation


Energy Saving

Energy Management

Prediction and Forecast

System Sizing

Energy Efficiency

All papers for the ICPDRE 2012 will be published in the IPCSIT (ISSN: 2010-460X) as one volume, and will be indexed by WorldCat, Google Scholar, Engineering & Technology Digital Library, and sent to be reviewed by Ei Compendex and ISI Proceedings.


1. Electronic Submission System; ( .pdf)

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2. Email: ( .pdf and .doc)

Last modified: 2011-11-14 16:37:31