PHM 2012 - 2012 Prognostics and System Health Management Conference (PHM)
Topics/Call fo Papers
2012 Prognostics and System Health Management Conference
May 23-25, 2012, Beijing, China
2012 Prognostics and System Health Management Conference (PHM‐2012) will be held in Beijing, China, on May 23‐25, 2012, following the success of PHM-2010 Macau and PHM-2011 Shenzhen conferences.

PHM has been recognized to give a competitive advantage in the market place where competition is ever growing. Companies around the world are increasingly investing in developing PHM technologies to be at the forefront of competition. PHM-2012 conference aims to bring together the global community of PHM experts from industry, academia, and government in diverse research and application areas such as aeronautics and astronautics, defense, marine systems, power and electronic systems, process industries, computers and telecommunications, material systems, industrial automation, and healthcare and medical technology, etc. Welcome to submit papers for your interest to share in PHM development.
Topics of Interest:
Advanced Sensors
Data Pre-processing
Health Monitoring
Health Management
Fault Diagnostics
Fault Prognostics
Maintenance Decision Support
Reliability, Maintainability and Supportability
Data driven/Data Mining
Data Fusion
Methods Fusion
Physics of Failure
Modeling and Simulation
System‐level PHM
Component‐level PHM
PHM Innovative Applications
PHM Industrial Applications
Knowledge of PHM System
Design and Integration of PHM System
PHM Standards and Methodologies
PHM Systems and Platform
Cost Analysis of PHM
Verification, Validation, and Maturation of PHM System
Important Dates:
November 15, 2011 -Abstract Submission Due
December 15, 2011 -Abstract Acceptance
January 31, 2012 - Full Paper Submission Due
March 1, 2012 - Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
An electronic copy of one‐page, 300‐word abstract with name, address, phone and fax numbers, and email address must be submitted by email at before November 15, 2011. Instructions for preparing the full paper will be sent to authors whose abstracts are accepted after review by the technical committee. Participants will be required to register for the conference upon notification of acceptance of their full papers.
Accepted papers will be published at IEEE Xplore and included in the EI Compendex.
Also welcome to participate the PHM-2012 Beijing conference by any other ways (e.g. to be sponsors, holding exhibitions, course training, or just listening and discussing, etc.).
May 23-25, 2012, Beijing, China
2012 Prognostics and System Health Management Conference (PHM‐2012) will be held in Beijing, China, on May 23‐25, 2012, following the success of PHM-2010 Macau and PHM-2011 Shenzhen conferences.

PHM has been recognized to give a competitive advantage in the market place where competition is ever growing. Companies around the world are increasingly investing in developing PHM technologies to be at the forefront of competition. PHM-2012 conference aims to bring together the global community of PHM experts from industry, academia, and government in diverse research and application areas such as aeronautics and astronautics, defense, marine systems, power and electronic systems, process industries, computers and telecommunications, material systems, industrial automation, and healthcare and medical technology, etc. Welcome to submit papers for your interest to share in PHM development.
Topics of Interest:
Advanced Sensors
Data Pre-processing
Health Monitoring
Health Management
Fault Diagnostics
Fault Prognostics
Maintenance Decision Support
Reliability, Maintainability and Supportability
Data driven/Data Mining
Data Fusion
Methods Fusion
Physics of Failure
Modeling and Simulation
System‐level PHM
Component‐level PHM
PHM Innovative Applications
PHM Industrial Applications
Knowledge of PHM System
Design and Integration of PHM System
PHM Standards and Methodologies
PHM Systems and Platform
Cost Analysis of PHM
Verification, Validation, and Maturation of PHM System
Important Dates:
November 15, 2011 -Abstract Submission Due
December 15, 2011 -Abstract Acceptance
January 31, 2012 - Full Paper Submission Due
March 1, 2012 - Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
An electronic copy of one‐page, 300‐word abstract with name, address, phone and fax numbers, and email address must be submitted by email at before November 15, 2011. Instructions for preparing the full paper will be sent to authors whose abstracts are accepted after review by the technical committee. Participants will be required to register for the conference upon notification of acceptance of their full papers.
Accepted papers will be published at IEEE Xplore and included in the EI Compendex.
Also welcome to participate the PHM-2012 Beijing conference by any other ways (e.g. to be sponsors, holding exhibitions, course training, or just listening and discussing, etc.).
Other CFPs
Last modified: 2011-10-06 17:18:30