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ICEPH 2022 - 2022 The International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Humanities (ICEPH 2022)



VenueOnline, Qatar Qatar

KeywordsEducation; Psychology; Humanities


Topics/Call fo Papers

ICEPH Conference invites scholars, researchers, practitioners, and students proposals to submit papers for paper presentations, interactive sessions, virtual talks, or colloquia addressing one of the following tracks & topics.
Researchers, scholars, industry practitioners, and students are invited to submit their well-thought research papers for presentations and publication on any of the following tracks, but not limited to;
Conference tracks & Topics:
Education: Theory of Education | Assertive and Assistive Educational Technology | Comparative Education | Counseling | Cultural Literacy | Curriculum Studies | Distance Education | Early Education | Educational Change | Educational Policy | Planning and Practice | Educational Psychology | Education and Public Policy | Educational Research and Statistics | E-learning, Health Education | Tertiary Education | Innovative Education | Information & Library Science | International Exchange Programs | Language Education | Liberal Education | Mathematics Education | Medical Education | Physical Education | Science Education | Secondary Education | Special Education and Technology Education.
Psychology: Brain & Behavior | Business/Occupational Psychology | Child & Adolescent Psychology | Cognitive Psychology | Community & Cross-Cultural Psychology | Rehabilitation Counseling | Therapy | Developmental Psychology | Educational Psychology | Experimental Psychology | Groups & Organizations | Learning & Developmental Disabilities | Mental Health | Personality & Emotions | Psychological Assessment | Relationships & The Family | Social Psychology.
Humanities: Anthropology | Business studies | Communication studies | Corporate governance | Criminology, Cross-cultural studies | Demography, Development studies | Economics | Education | Language and Linguistics | History | Literature | Performing Art | Philosophy | Religion | Visual Arts | Anthropology, Area Studies, Archaeology | Culture and Ethics Studies | Economics, Ethics, Geography, History | Gender and Sexuality Studies, Geography | Industrial relations, Information Science, International relations | Law, Linguistics, Library science, Linguistics Literature | Media studies, Methodology | Paralegal, Performing arts (music, theatre & dance) | Political science, Philosophy | Psychology, Population Studies | Public administration | Religious studies | Social welfare, Sociology | Women studies.

Last modified: 2022-07-04 15:20:08