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ICMSEL 2022 - CFP: Mathematics, Statistics, Education & Law - International Conference (ICMSEL 2022)



VenueOnline, South Africa South Africa

KeywordsMathematics; Statistics; Education


Topics/Call fo Papers

International Academic Conference promote international dissemination of knowledge and development of cross-national academic fraternity. The participants come from different backgrounds and countries. They share their researches, experiences and informally create long-lasting bonds.
The organizing committee invites Postgraduate candidates Master and PhD to submit Abstract/Full papers to ICMSEL 2022. ICMSEL 2022 is a premier forum for presenting of new research findings. This conference brings together avid researchers from local and foreign universities. Topics of interest for submission include, but not limited to:
Discover The Topics:
Mathematics: Algebraic Geometry | Algebraic Topology | Approximation Theory | Calculus of Variations | Category Theory | Homological Algebra | Coding Theory | Combinatorics | Control Theory | Cryptology | Geometry | Difference and Functional Equations | Discrete Mathematics | Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory | Field Theory and Polynomials | Fluid Mechanics and Solid Mechanics | Fourier Analysis | Functional Analysis | Functions of a Complex Variable | Fuzzy Mathematics | Game Theory | General Algebraic Systems | Graph Theory | Group Theory and Generalizations | Image Processing, Signal Processing and Tomography | Information Fusion | Integral Equations | Lattices, Algebraic Structures | Linear and Multilinear Algebra | Matrix Theory | Mathematical Biology and Other Natural Sciences | Mathematical Economics and Financial Mathematics | Mathematical Education | Mathematical Physics | Measure Theory and Integration | Neutrosophic Mathematics | Number Theory | Numerical Analysis | Operations Research | Optimization | Operator Theory | Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations | Potential Theory | Real Functions | Rings and Algebras | Statistical Mechanics | Structure Of Matter | Topological Groups | Wavelets and Wavelet Transforms.
Statistics: Analysis of Big Data | Asymptotic Statistics | Bayesian Statistics | Bioinformatics | Biostatistics | Business Analytics and Econometrics | Causal Inference | Clinical Trials | Computer Intensive Methods | Cross-disciplinary Engagement | Environmental Statistics | Epidemiology | Experimental Designs | Extreme Value Analysis | Financial Statistics | Functional Data Analysis | Genetics and Genomics | Graphical Models and Networks | High-dimensional Statistics | Imaging and Signal Data | International Engagement | Limit Theory | Longitudinal Data Analysis | Medical Statistics | Missing and Incomplete Data | Multivariate Statistics | Nonparametric Statistics | Official Statistics | Probability Theory | Risk Analysis and Risk Management | Robust Statistics | Role and Importance of Statistics in Australia | Sample Surveys | Social Statistics | Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Statistics | Statistical Computing | Statistical Education | Statistical Modelling | Statistics and Distributed Computing | Statistics in Government | Stochastic Processes | Survival Data Analysis | Theoretical Frameworks for Big Data | Time Series and Forecasting .
Education: Theory of Education | Assertive and Assistive Educational Technology | Comparative Education | Counseling | Cultural Literacy | Curriculum Studies | Distance Education | Early Education | Educational Change | Educational Policy | Planning and Practice | Educational Psychology | Education and Public Policy | Educational Research and Statistics | E-learning, Health Education | Tertiary Education | Innovative Education | Information & Library Science | International Exchange Programs | Language Education | Liberal Education | Mathematics Education | Medical Education | Physical Education | Science Education | Secondary Education | Special Education and Technology Education.
Law: Accidents & Injuries | Arbitration & Mediation | Bankruptcy & Debt | Car & Motor Vehicle Accidents | Civil Rights | Consumer Issues | Criminal Law | Dangerous Products | Divorce & Family Law | Education Law | Elder law & Aging | Employee’s Right | Estates & Probate | Health Care Law | Immigration Law | Intellectual | Internet Law for the Public | Justice and legal studies | Lawsuits & Lawyers | Real Estate | Securities Law | Small Business | Social Security and Retirement | Any other topic related to Education.

Last modified: 2022-06-11 14:43:48