ICAISE 2012 - International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering (ICAISE 2012)
- 5th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (SEAI 2025)
- 2025 International Symposium on the Application of Artificial Intelligence in Electrical Engineering (AAIEE 2025)
- 6th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (IEAI 2025)
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Age of Transformation: Opportunities and Challenges
- 11th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ARIN 2025)
Topics/Call fo Papers
The VIII. International Conferen 192 ce on Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering is the premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering. The conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of i 198 nterest from around the world. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
Artificial Intelligence
Automated Reasoning
Cognitive Science
Computational Chemistry
Computational Neuroscie 199 nce
Computational physics
Numerical algorithms
Symbolic mathematics
Operating Systems
Multi-Agent Systems (MAS)
Real Time Control
198 Natural Networks and Applications
Natural Neural Systems
Neural Genetic Systems
Neural-Fuzzy Systems
Communication Networks and Protocols
Computer Graphics
198 Image Processing
Fuzzy Systems
Image Understanding
Pattern Recognition
Distributed and Parallel Computing
Cloud computing
Cluster Computing
Distribu 199 ted computing
Grid computing
Parallel computing
Human-computer Interaction
Hardware Implementation
Evolvable Hardware
Machine Learning
Software Engineering
197 Project Management
Requirement Analysis
Software Standards and Design
Programming Methodology
Software Testing and Quality Control
Web-based Services
Software Maintenance
Si 1a7 mulation and Modeling
Contact us: info-AT-waset.org
Artificial Intelligence
Automated Reasoning
Cognitive Science
Computational Chemistry
Computational Neuroscie 199 nce
Computational physics
Numerical algorithms
Symbolic mathematics
Operating Systems
Multi-Agent Systems (MAS)
Real Time Control
198 Natural Networks and Applications
Natural Neural Systems
Neural Genetic Systems
Neural-Fuzzy Systems
Communication Networks and Protocols
Computer Graphics
198 Image Processing
Fuzzy Systems
Image Understanding
Pattern Recognition
Distributed and Parallel Computing
Cloud computing
Cluster Computing
Distribu 199 ted computing
Grid computing
Parallel computing
Human-computer Interaction
Hardware Implementation
Evolvable Hardware
Machine Learning
Software Engineering
197 Project Management
Requirement Analysis
Software Standards and Design
Programming Methodology
Software Testing and Quality Control
Web-based Services
Software Maintenance
Si 1a7 mulation and Modeling
Contact us: info-AT-waset.org
Other CFPs
- International Conference on Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (ICMIE 2012)
- International Conference on Architectural and Civil Engineering (ICACE 2012)
- International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering (ICIKE 2012)
- International Conference on Communication Systems and Computer Networks (ICCSCN 2012)
- International Conference on Electrical and Communication Engineering (ICECE 2012)
Last modified: 2011-06-29 16:32:03