ICCBS 2012 - International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Business and e-Service (ICCBS 2012)
- 12th International Conference on Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS 2025)
- 9th International Conference on E-Commerce, E-Business, and E-Government (ICEEG 2025)
- International Conference on E-Commerce, E-Business and E-Government 2025
- International Conference on Research Approaches in Social Science, Business, and E-Commerce 2025
- 9th International Academic Conference on Management and Economics
Topics/Call fo Papers
The VIII. International Conferen 194 ce on e-Commerce, e-Business and e-Service is the premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of e-Commerce, e-Business and e-Service. The conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
Business-to-business e-commerce
Business-to-consumer e-commerce
E-government, policy and law
Business/Enterprise Architectures
Mobile and pervasive commerce
Electronic Markets and Multiagent Systems
Semantic Web 19b ontologies, rules and services
Digital goods and products
e-Negotiations, auctioning and contracting
B2B, B2C, and C2C models
Agent-mediated e-Commerce
e-Marketplaces, e-Hubs, and portals
Pervasive technologies for eCommerce
Dynamic pricing models
P2P-computing for e-Commerce
e-Payment systems
e-Commerce content management
19d Consumer protection in eCommerce
User behavior modeling
Innovative business models
Enterprise application integration
Business process re-engineering
Virtual enterprises and virtual markets
Supply, demand, and value chains
Virtual organizations and coalitions
Customer relationship management
19e e-Collaboration and e-Services
Inter-organizational systems
Future work environments for e-Business
Business process integration
Mobile business
Web Services, Grid Services and Service-Oriented Computing
Semantic Web and Ontology
Web Intelligence, Agents and Personalization
Pervas 19f ive, Mobile and Peer-to-Peer Computing Technologies
Context-Aware, Location-based and Autonomous Computing
Security, Privacy, Trust and Reputation for e/m-Services
Payment Technologies for e/m-Services
Contact us: info-AT-waset.org
Business-to-business e-commerce
Business-to-consumer e-commerce
E-government, policy and law
Business/Enterprise Architectures
Mobile and pervasive commerce
Electronic Markets and Multiagent Systems
Semantic Web 19b ontologies, rules and services
Digital goods and products
e-Negotiations, auctioning and contracting
B2B, B2C, and C2C models
Agent-mediated e-Commerce
e-Marketplaces, e-Hubs, and portals
Pervasive technologies for eCommerce
Dynamic pricing models
P2P-computing for e-Commerce
e-Payment systems
e-Commerce content management
19d Consumer protection in eCommerce
User behavior modeling
Innovative business models
Enterprise application integration
Business process re-engineering
Virtual enterprises and virtual markets
Supply, demand, and value chains
Virtual organizations and coalitions
Customer relationship management
19e e-Collaboration and e-Services
Inter-organizational systems
Future work environments for e-Business
Business process integration
Mobile business
Web Services, Grid Services and Service-Oriented Computing
Semantic Web and Ontology
Web Intelligence, Agents and Personalization
Pervas 19f ive, Mobile and Peer-to-Peer Computing Technologies
Context-Aware, Location-based and Autonomous Computing
Security, Privacy, Trust and Reputation for e/m-Services
Payment Technologies for e/m-Services
Contact us: info-AT-waset.org
Other CFPs
- International Conference on Economics, Business Management and Marketing (ICEBMM 2012)
- International Conference on e-Education and e-Learning (ICEEEL 2012)
- International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Electronics and Communication Engineering (ICECECE 2012)
- International Conference on Radioactivity and Radiation Protection (ICRRP 2012)
- International Conference on Nuclear Power Plants Engineering (ICNPPE 2012)
Last modified: 2011-06-29 13:07:12