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ISECE 2021 - International Symposium on Environment and Chemical Engineering 2021

Date2021-11-25 - 2021-11-26


VenueJakarta, Indonesia Indonesia

KeywordsEnvironmental Engineering; Engineering; Chemical Engineering


Topics/Call fo Papers

Water: Water Quality, Water Resources Management, Water Policies and Planning, Water and Wastewater Treatment, Water Pollution and Contaminant Treatment, Water Environment Monitoring and Safety Prevention, Desalination and Water Purification Technologies, Hydrology and Hydrological Processes, Stormwater Runoff and Flood Management, Erosion and Sediment Transport, Water Supply, Sewage, and Sustainable Drainage.
Soil: Groundwater and Well Hydraulics, Soil and Aquifer Properties, Soil dynamics, Engineering behaviour of soil and rock, Site characterization, Slope stability, Environmental geotechnics, Hydrogeology and Environmental Geochemistry, Peat science, Wetlands and Ecosystem, Soil chemistry and biochemistry, physics, fertility and nutrition, Soil genesis and morphology, Soil microbiology and mineralogy, Soil degradation and restoration, Urban soil, Soil mineralogy.
Environment: Environmental Microbiology, Environmental Toxicology, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Technology and Biotechnology, Environmental Pollution and Prevention, Adsorption, Environmental Assessment and Monitoring, Environmental Conservation, Energy efficiency, Urban Heat effect, Construction and demolition materials, Ecosystem Services Measurement Related to Water Resources, Transport, Fate and impact of contaminant, Risk mitigation, Deposition, Accumulation.
Marine: Aquatic research, Aquatic systems, Aquatic biology, Aquatic physiology, Aquatic ecosystem, Aquatic resources management, Aquatic ecotoxicology and pollution, Freshwater Ecology, Marine Ecology, Sustainability Oceanography and Marine Science, Coastal engineering, Marine genomics, Marine biotechnology, Geological oceanography, Physical oceanography, Fisheries hydrography, Aquaculture science, Aquaculture diseases.
Pollution Treatment technologies: safer and cleaner technologies (chemical, physical and biological process) with minimization of the environmental impact of contaminant in aquatic and soil environment.
Emerging contaminants: all aspects related to persistent organic pollutants, endocrine disruptors, endocrine disruptors, pesticides, flame retardants, other industrial chemicals.
Materials for remediation: membrane, nanomaterials, photocatalytic, electrochemistry, biochar, composite, and carbon-based materials.
Other environmental aspects including Environmental modeling, climate change, and green technologies.

Last modified: 2021-09-14 14:33:04