CPEES 2022 - 2022 2nd International Conference on Power Engineering and Energy System (CPEES 2022)
Date2022-03-25 - 2022-03-27
VenueShanghai, China
KeywordsPower; Energy; Engineering
Topics/Call fo Papers
2022 2nd International Conference on Power Engineering and Energy System (CPEES 2022)
Place: Shanghai, China
Date: March 25-27, 2022
Website: http://www.cpees2022.net/
Email: cpees_conf-AT-163.com
Publication and indexing:IOP Conference Series, EI Compendex, CPCI, Scopus, CNKI, Inspec, etc.
Call for papers
(Topics of interest for submission include, but not limited to:)
Electrical Power Engineering
• Planning, operation and control of transmission and distribution networks
• Smart grids and active distribution networks
• Microgrids, virtual power plants and standalone power systems
• Power system protection, reliability and resiliency
• Distributed, embedded and dispersed generation
• Grid integration of new technologies
More topics: http://www.cpees2022.net/cfp.html
Paper Publication and indexing
All registered and presented papers will be published in the volume of conference proceeding, published in IOP Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JCPS), which can be indexed by Ei Compendex, SCOPUS, CPCI, and other important database, etc.
* All papers of CPEES 2021 have already been published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1914, 2021 - IOPscience, and all papers have already been indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus within 3 months after the conference held!
Submission (For full paper and Abstract)
1. Online Submission System: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/CPEES2022/
2. Email Submission: cpees_conf-AT-163.com
Please only choose one way to submit your paper/abstract.
More details about submission, please visit http://www.cpees2022.net/submission.html
Call for Participants
If you don’t have paper to publish, you also can attend our conference as
A Presenter: Only giving presentation during the conference which means you only need to submit your abstract.
A Listener: You are welcome to join this great event as an audience if you have no paper to submit.
Prof. Om P. Malik, Life Fellow IEEE, University of Calgary, Canada
Professor Malik is a Life Fellow of IEEE, and a Fellow of IET, the Engineering Institute of Canada, Canadian Academy of Engineering, Engineers Canada, and World Innovation Foundation. He is a registered Professional Engineer in the Provinces of Alberta and Ontario, Canada, and has received many awards. He was Director, IEEE Region 7 and President, IEEE Canada during 2010-11 and President, Engineering Institute of Canada, 2014-2016.
Prof. Wuqiang Yang, Fellow IEEE, FIET, FInstMC, University of Manchester, UK
His research is focused on electrical capacitance tomography (ECT) and industrial applications. He has published 400 papers and two books "Sensor Array" and "Imaging Sensor Technoligies and Applications", and holds 10 patents, including 2 WO patents. He is an Associate Editor of IEEE Trans. IM and IET Sci. Meas. Technol. and editorial board member of 7 other journals, including Meas. Sci. Technol. and Sensor Review, and reviews papers for >50 journals.
Prof. Graziano Chesi, Fellow IEEE, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
He authored the books “Homogeneous Polynomial Forms for Robustness Analysis of Uncertain Systems” (Springer 2009) and “Domain of Attraction: Analysis and Control via SOS Programming” (Springer 2011). He was elevated to the grade of IEEE Fellow for contributions to control of nonlinear and multi-dimensional systems upon evaluation by the IEEE Control Systems Society.
Dr. Michael Waltl, Christian Doppler Laboratory for Single-Defect Spectroscopy at the, Institute for Microelectronics, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria, Europe
His research covers evaluating bias temperature instabilities in silicon devices, devices employing wide-bandgap materials, and transistors built on novel 2D materials.
Prof. Pierluigi Siano, University of Salerno, Italy
He is a Professor and Scientific Director of the Smart Grids and Smart Cities Laboratory with the Department of Management & Innovation Systems, University of Salerno.His research activities are centered on demand response, on the integration of distributed energy resources in smart grids and on planning and management of power systems.
Contact us
Conference Secretary: Ms. Cassie Lin
Email Address: cpees_conf-AT-163.com
Tel: +852 68742737
Monday to Friday: 09.00am to 18.00pm (GMT+8 Time Zone)
Official Website: http://www.cpees2022.net/
Place: Shanghai, China
Date: March 25-27, 2022
Website: http://www.cpees2022.net/
Email: cpees_conf-AT-163.com
Publication and indexing:IOP Conference Series, EI Compendex, CPCI, Scopus, CNKI, Inspec, etc.
Call for papers
(Topics of interest for submission include, but not limited to:)
Electrical Power Engineering
• Planning, operation and control of transmission and distribution networks
• Smart grids and active distribution networks
• Microgrids, virtual power plants and standalone power systems
• Power system protection, reliability and resiliency
• Distributed, embedded and dispersed generation
• Grid integration of new technologies
More topics: http://www.cpees2022.net/cfp.html
Paper Publication and indexing
All registered and presented papers will be published in the volume of conference proceeding, published in IOP Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JCPS), which can be indexed by Ei Compendex, SCOPUS, CPCI, and other important database, etc.
* All papers of CPEES 2021 have already been published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1914, 2021 - IOPscience, and all papers have already been indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus within 3 months after the conference held!
Submission (For full paper and Abstract)
1. Online Submission System: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/CPEES2022/
2. Email Submission: cpees_conf-AT-163.com
Please only choose one way to submit your paper/abstract.
More details about submission, please visit http://www.cpees2022.net/submission.html
Call for Participants
If you don’t have paper to publish, you also can attend our conference as
A Presenter: Only giving presentation during the conference which means you only need to submit your abstract.
A Listener: You are welcome to join this great event as an audience if you have no paper to submit.
Prof. Om P. Malik, Life Fellow IEEE, University of Calgary, Canada
Professor Malik is a Life Fellow of IEEE, and a Fellow of IET, the Engineering Institute of Canada, Canadian Academy of Engineering, Engineers Canada, and World Innovation Foundation. He is a registered Professional Engineer in the Provinces of Alberta and Ontario, Canada, and has received many awards. He was Director, IEEE Region 7 and President, IEEE Canada during 2010-11 and President, Engineering Institute of Canada, 2014-2016.
Prof. Wuqiang Yang, Fellow IEEE, FIET, FInstMC, University of Manchester, UK
His research is focused on electrical capacitance tomography (ECT) and industrial applications. He has published 400 papers and two books "Sensor Array" and "Imaging Sensor Technoligies and Applications", and holds 10 patents, including 2 WO patents. He is an Associate Editor of IEEE Trans. IM and IET Sci. Meas. Technol. and editorial board member of 7 other journals, including Meas. Sci. Technol. and Sensor Review, and reviews papers for >50 journals.
Prof. Graziano Chesi, Fellow IEEE, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
He authored the books “Homogeneous Polynomial Forms for Robustness Analysis of Uncertain Systems” (Springer 2009) and “Domain of Attraction: Analysis and Control via SOS Programming” (Springer 2011). He was elevated to the grade of IEEE Fellow for contributions to control of nonlinear and multi-dimensional systems upon evaluation by the IEEE Control Systems Society.
Dr. Michael Waltl, Christian Doppler Laboratory for Single-Defect Spectroscopy at the, Institute for Microelectronics, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria, Europe
His research covers evaluating bias temperature instabilities in silicon devices, devices employing wide-bandgap materials, and transistors built on novel 2D materials.
Prof. Pierluigi Siano, University of Salerno, Italy
He is a Professor and Scientific Director of the Smart Grids and Smart Cities Laboratory with the Department of Management & Innovation Systems, University of Salerno.His research activities are centered on demand response, on the integration of distributed energy resources in smart grids and on planning and management of power systems.
Contact us
Conference Secretary: Ms. Cassie Lin
Email Address: cpees_conf-AT-163.com
Tel: +852 68742737
Monday to Friday: 09.00am to 18.00pm (GMT+8 Time Zone)
Official Website: http://www.cpees2022.net/
Last modified: 2022-02-27 18:15:28