ICRSS 2012 - International Conference on Reliability and Structural Safety (ICRSS 2012)
Topics/Call fo Papers
The VIII. International Conference on Reliability and Structural Safety is the premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of Reliability and Structural Safety. The conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
Reliability and Structural Safety
Advanced Technologies
Aeronautical and Aerospace Structures
Basic Theory and Methods
Bayesian Information Processing
Bridges and Buildings
Computational Methods
Damage Analysis and Assessment
Design Concepts
Deterioration Modeling
Earthquake Engineering
Economic Analysis
Fatigue Reliability
Flood Analysis and Prevention
Fuzzy Analysis
Geotechnical Engineering
Global Warming Effects
Hazard Analysis
Human Factors
Industrial Plant Reliability
Inspection, Quality Control and Assurance
Insurance and Management of Risk
Life Cycle Analysis
Lifeline Risk Assessment
Loads and Load Combinations
Monitoring and Maintenance Systems
Nuclear Structures
Offshore and Marine Structures
Passive and Active Structural Control
Probabilistic Materials Analysis
Probabilistic Risk Analysis
Random Vibration
Reliability-Based Design and Regulations
Reliability-Based Optimization and Control
Reliability Theory
Risk Analysis in Decision Making
Simulation Methods
Social Science / Urban Planning
Smart Structures and Materials
Statistical Design Analysis
Stochastic Computational Mechanics
Stochastic Finite Elements
Stochastic Fracture Mechanics
Stochastic Processes and Fields
Structural Health Monitoring
Structural Systems
Sustainability under Global Warming
System Identification
System Reliability
Transportation Systems
Uncertainty Analysis
Wind Engineering
Contact us: info-AT-waset.org
Reliability and Structural Safety
Advanced Technologies
Aeronautical and Aerospace Structures
Basic Theory and Methods
Bayesian Information Processing
Bridges and Buildings
Computational Methods
Damage Analysis and Assessment
Design Concepts
Deterioration Modeling
Earthquake Engineering
Economic Analysis
Fatigue Reliability
Flood Analysis and Prevention
Fuzzy Analysis
Geotechnical Engineering
Global Warming Effects
Hazard Analysis
Human Factors
Industrial Plant Reliability
Inspection, Quality Control and Assurance
Insurance and Management of Risk
Life Cycle Analysis
Lifeline Risk Assessment
Loads and Load Combinations
Monitoring and Maintenance Systems
Nuclear Structures
Offshore and Marine Structures
Passive and Active Structural Control
Probabilistic Materials Analysis
Probabilistic Risk Analysis
Random Vibration
Reliability-Based Design and Regulations
Reliability-Based Optimization and Control
Reliability Theory
Risk Analysis in Decision Making
Simulation Methods
Social Science / Urban Planning
Smart Structures and Materials
Statistical Design Analysis
Stochastic Computational Mechanics
Stochastic Finite Elements
Stochastic Fracture Mechanics
Stochastic Processes and Fields
Structural Health Monitoring
Structural Systems
Sustainability under Global Warming
System Identification
System Reliability
Transportation Systems
Uncertainty Analysis
Wind Engineering
Contact us: info-AT-waset.org
Other CFPs
- International Conference on Engineering and Technology Management (ICETM 2012)
- International Conference on Business and Economics (ICBE 2012)
- International Conference on Computer, Electrical, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (ICCESSE 2012)
- International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Electronics and Communication Engineering (ICECECE 2012)
- International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM 2012)
Last modified: 2011-06-29 12:15:03