ICECE 2012 - International Conference on Environmental and Civil Engineering (ICECE 2012)
Topics/Call fo Papers
The VIII. International Conference on Environmental and Civil Engineering is the premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of Environmental and Civil Engineering. The conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
Analysis of Semi-rigid Connections
Applied Computer Vision for Civil and Environmental Engineering
Augmented and Virtual Reality
Buckling and Stability
Building Design, Construction, and Operation
Civil Engineering, Management and Surveying
Computer Controlled Site Instrumentation
Conceptual Design Support
Construction Automation and Robotics
Construction Engineering and Management
Dam Engineering
Disaster Preparedness, Response and Recovery
Distributed Computing in Engineering
Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
Energy for Building
Environment and Energy
Enviromental Modeling
Environmental Engineering
Environmental Protection
Formfinding, Topology and Structural Morphology
Foundation Engineering
Fracture Mechanics
Geographical Information Systems
Geotechnical Analysis and Design
Ground Vibration
Human Computer Interaction and Graphics
Infrastructure Life-cycle Management
Intelligent Construction Site
Lifetime Costs
Linear and Non-linear Dynamics
Model Verification and Validation
Modeling of Concrete Durability
Monitoring and Maintenance of Infrastructure
Monitoring of Structures & Buildings
Numerical Modeling in Geotechnics
Offshore Structures
Project Management and Quality Assessment
Roads and Railways
Rock Mechanics
Sensors Networks/Instrumentation
Simulation and Modeling
Slope Design
Software Standards, Quality Assurance and Benchmarking
Soil-Structure Interaction (static and dynamic)
Space, Tension and Shell Structures
Structural Control
Structural Engineering
Structural Health Monitoring Technologies
Structural Integrity
Structural Optimization and Sensitivity Analysis
Support Systems for Interactive Design
Sustainable Urban Environments
Technologies of Geodesy and Cadastre
Transport and Highways Engineering
Uncertainty Models
Urban Engineering
Urban Transport System
Voice and Image Recognition Applications
Water Resources Engineering
Contact us:
Analysis of Semi-rigid Connections
Applied Computer Vision for Civil and Environmental Engineering
Augmented and Virtual Reality
Buckling and Stability
Building Design, Construction, and Operation
Civil Engineering, Management and Surveying
Computer Controlled Site Instrumentation
Conceptual Design Support
Construction Automation and Robotics
Construction Engineering and Management
Dam Engineering
Disaster Preparedness, Response and Recovery
Distributed Computing in Engineering
Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
Energy for Building
Environment and Energy
Enviromental Modeling
Environmental Engineering
Environmental Protection
Formfinding, Topology and Structural Morphology
Foundation Engineering
Fracture Mechanics
Geographical Information Systems
Geotechnical Analysis and Design
Ground Vibration
Human Computer Interaction and Graphics
Infrastructure Life-cycle Management
Intelligent Construction Site
Lifetime Costs
Linear and Non-linear Dynamics
Model Verification and Validation
Modeling of Concrete Durability
Monitoring and Maintenance of Infrastructure
Monitoring of Structures & Buildings
Numerical Modeling in Geotechnics
Offshore Structures
Project Management and Quality Assessment
Roads and Railways
Rock Mechanics
Sensors Networks/Instrumentation
Simulation and Modeling
Slope Design
Software Standards, Quality Assurance and Benchmarking
Soil-Structure Interaction (static and dynamic)
Space, Tension and Shell Structures
Structural Control
Structural Engineering
Structural Health Monitoring Technologies
Structural Integrity
Structural Optimization and Sensitivity Analysis
Support Systems for Interactive Design
Sustainable Urban Environments
Technologies of Geodesy and Cadastre
Transport and Highways Engineering
Uncertainty Models
Urban Engineering
Urban Transport System
Voice and Image Recognition Applications
Water Resources Engineering
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Other CFPs
- International Conference on Industrial Engineering (ICIE 2012)
- International Conference on Business, Management, Economics and Finance (ICBMEF 2012)
- International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications (ICCEA 2012)
- International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Biomedical Engineering (ICBCBBE 2012)
- International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (ICEST 2012)
Last modified: 2011-06-29 12:03:07