ICMCSSE 2012 - International Conference on Mathematical, Computational and Statistical Sciences, and Engineering (ICMCSSE 2012)
Topics/Call fo Papers
The VIII. International Conferen 191 ce on Mathematical, Computational and Statistical Sciences, and Engineering is the premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of Mathematical, Computational and Statistical Sciences, and Engineering. The conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in 199 the domain of interest from around the world. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
Advanced Numerical Algorithms
Analytic methods
Approximation theory
Bayesian computing
196 Biological and medical applications
Biometry and Statistics
Computation in Complex Networks
Computational Biology and Medicine
Computational Chemistry
Computational Economics and Finance
Computa 197 tional electrodynamics
Computational electromagnetics
Computational Engineering
Computational Finance
Computational fluid dynamics
Computational Geosciences and Meteorology
Computational Grids
197 Computational Mathematics
Computational Mechanics
Computational models
Computational Physics
Computational Statistics
Control theory and applications
Coupled problems
Data ex 197 ploration and data mining
Dynamical systems
Engineering Mathematics
Factorization methods
Finite difference methods
Finite element methods
Generalized eigen-problems
High order diffe 197 rence approximations
High Performance Computing
Hybrid Computational Methods
Industrial Mathematics
Integral equations
Inversion problems in Geophysics
Iterative methods
Mat 196 hematical Chemistry
Mathematical methods in continuum mechanics
Mathematical modeling
Mathematical models for the information society
Mathematical models in Economy and Insurance
Mathematical models in Medicine
196 Mathematics and circuit simulation
Mathematics of Finance
Methods for integration on a uniform and non-uniform mesh
Modeling and computation of soft matter materials and complex fluids
Molecular dynamics
Monte Carlo methods and applications
196 Nonlinear systems and eigenvalue solvers
Nonsymmetric solvers
Numerical analysis
Numerical and Computational Mathematics
Numerical linear algebra
Numerical Mathematics in general
Numer 195 ical methods and simulation
Operations Research and Information Engineering
Optimization and optimal control
Ordinary and partial differential equations, integral equations, singular perturbation problems
Ordinary differential equations
Overlapping an 196 d nonoverlapping domain decomposition methods
Partial differential equations
Scientific computing and supercomputing benchmark design
Scientific visualization
Social Statistics
Software architectures 196 for scientific computing
Space Geodesy and Space Dynamics
Splines and wavelets and applications
Stochastic differential equations
Supercomputing and scientific computing
Theoretical Chemistry
Theoretical Physics 1a4
Applications of scientific computing in engineering and applied sciences.
Contact us: info-AT-waset.org
Advanced Numerical Algorithms
Analytic methods
Approximation theory
Bayesian computing
196 Biological and medical applications
Biometry and Statistics
Computation in Complex Networks
Computational Biology and Medicine
Computational Chemistry
Computational Economics and Finance
Computa 197 tional electrodynamics
Computational electromagnetics
Computational Engineering
Computational Finance
Computational fluid dynamics
Computational Geosciences and Meteorology
Computational Grids
197 Computational Mathematics
Computational Mechanics
Computational models
Computational Physics
Computational Statistics
Control theory and applications
Coupled problems
Data ex 197 ploration and data mining
Dynamical systems
Engineering Mathematics
Factorization methods
Finite difference methods
Finite element methods
Generalized eigen-problems
High order diffe 197 rence approximations
High Performance Computing
Hybrid Computational Methods
Industrial Mathematics
Integral equations
Inversion problems in Geophysics
Iterative methods
Mat 196 hematical Chemistry
Mathematical methods in continuum mechanics
Mathematical modeling
Mathematical models for the information society
Mathematical models in Economy and Insurance
Mathematical models in Medicine
196 Mathematics and circuit simulation
Mathematics of Finance
Methods for integration on a uniform and non-uniform mesh
Modeling and computation of soft matter materials and complex fluids
Molecular dynamics
Monte Carlo methods and applications
196 Nonlinear systems and eigenvalue solvers
Nonsymmetric solvers
Numerical analysis
Numerical and Computational Mathematics
Numerical linear algebra
Numerical Mathematics in general
Numer 195 ical methods and simulation
Operations Research and Information Engineering
Optimization and optimal control
Ordinary and partial differential equations, integral equations, singular perturbation problems
Ordinary differential equations
Overlapping an 196 d nonoverlapping domain decomposition methods
Partial differential equations
Scientific computing and supercomputing benchmark design
Scientific visualization
Social Statistics
Software architectures 196 for scientific computing
Space Geodesy and Space Dynamics
Splines and wavelets and applications
Stochastic differential equations
Supercomputing and scientific computing
Theoretical Chemistry
Theoretical Physics 1a4
Applications of scientific computing in engineering and applied sciences.
Contact us: info-AT-waset.org
Other CFPs
- International Conference on Software and Data Engineering (ICSDE 2012)
- International Conference on Chemical and Biological Engineering (ICCBE 2012)
- International Conference on Computer, Electrical, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (ICCESSE 2012)
- International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Electronics and Communication Engineering (ICECECE 2012)
- International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Biomedical Engineering (ICBCBBE 2012 )
Last modified: 2011-06-29 11:57:27