ICEMLS Conference 2021 - International Conference on Economics, Management, Legal Studies & Social Sciences
VenueOnline/Virtual Conference, Philippines
KeywordsEconomics; Management; Legal Studies & Social Science
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Topics/Call fo Papers
ICEMLS invite scholars, researchers, practitioners and students proposals to submit papers for paper presentations, interactive sessions, virtual talks or colloquia addressing one of the following tracks & topics.
If you are unable to attend the conference, you may still join the community and submit your article for peer review and possible publication, upload an online presentation, and enjoy subscriber access to the journal.
Broadly, the main areas of inquiry include the followings Topics but not limited to:
Original research papers in Economics, Management, Legal Studies, Education, Social Sciences and Library Science Departments and allied subjects are invited for presentation from Post Graduate Students, Research Scholars, Faculty, Scientists.
Management & Economics :
Accounting | Actuarial Science | Organizational Behaviour |Customer Relationship Management |Supply Chain Management|Taxation| Marketing| Retailing | FINTECH | E-Commerce | Human Resources Management | CSR Promotion of Social Causes | Emerging Economies | Entrepreneurship | Digitizing Products | Design Thinking | Valuation of E-Commerce Companies | Disruptive Technologies | Actuarial science | Computer science | Economics | Finance | Information systems | Manufacturing | Organizational psychology | Quantitative finance | Quantitative management | Banking and finance | Business | Business Ethics | Human Resources | Management etc., and allied fields with other disciplines with related to Management, Business, Economics & CSR Community.
Legal Studies :
Legal theory - Philosophy | Positive law and non-positive law discussions | Economic analysis | Sociology. Legal systems - Civil law | Common law and Equity | Religious law | Sharia law.
Legal subjects - International law | Constitutional and Administrative law | Criminal law | Contract law| Tort law | Property law | Equity & trusts etc., and allied fields
Digitization :
Economic Development and Policy | E Governance - Digital divide | Digital Governance | Digitization of Unorganized sector | Economics | Consumer Choice | Digitization- Impact on society| Digitization – Impact on Mental Health | Cyber Bullying | Technology & Youth | Trends in Social Media | Democracy | Politics | Sociology | Information Literacy and E-Learning | Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights | Digital Preservation and Technical Gaps | Cultural / Heritage Assets and Societal Value | Grey Literature – Digital Preservation | Institutional Repositories - Preservation Techniques | Social Media Networking in Libraries | Trends in LIS Research topics etc., and allied fields.
Women Studies :
Women’s Issues like Education | Leadership | Safety | Health | Empowerment | Challenges and/or any topic in relation to women’s and gender studies | Feminist method | Gender studies | Gender mainstreaming | Gynocentrism | Kyriarchy | Matriarchy | Women's studies | Patriarchy | Écritureféminine | Leadership etc., and allied subjects.
Gender Equality :
Gender Equality & Educational Systems | Toxic Masculinity | Resocialization of Men | Socialization of Boys | Legal Remedies | Implementing Law | Law and Accountability | Inheritance Rights | Gender and Sexual Diversity | Women’s Human Rights | Women, Climate Change and Inequality | Women Empowerment and Social Change | Challenging Male Dominance | Consciousness - Raising | Men as Allies in Struggle | Women, Media and Technology | Transgender Rights and Sexual Diversity | Women’s Success Stories | Cyber Feminisms - Blogs, Zines and Reproductive Rights | Activist Art | Women’s Spirituality and Religion | Trafficking and Prostitution | Women in Politics and Public Administration.
Education :
Primary education | Secondary education | Higher education | Vocational education | Adult education | Alternative education | Madrasa education | Woman education | Dance education | Distance education | International studies | Journalism education | Special education | Vocational education etc., and allied subjects.
If you are unable to attend the conference, you may still join the community and submit your article for peer review and possible publication, upload an online presentation, and enjoy subscriber access to the journal.
Broadly, the main areas of inquiry include the followings Topics but not limited to:
Original research papers in Economics, Management, Legal Studies, Education, Social Sciences and Library Science Departments and allied subjects are invited for presentation from Post Graduate Students, Research Scholars, Faculty, Scientists.
Management & Economics :
Accounting | Actuarial Science | Organizational Behaviour |Customer Relationship Management |Supply Chain Management|Taxation| Marketing| Retailing | FINTECH | E-Commerce | Human Resources Management | CSR Promotion of Social Causes | Emerging Economies | Entrepreneurship | Digitizing Products | Design Thinking | Valuation of E-Commerce Companies | Disruptive Technologies | Actuarial science | Computer science | Economics | Finance | Information systems | Manufacturing | Organizational psychology | Quantitative finance | Quantitative management | Banking and finance | Business | Business Ethics | Human Resources | Management etc., and allied fields with other disciplines with related to Management, Business, Economics & CSR Community.
Legal Studies :
Legal theory - Philosophy | Positive law and non-positive law discussions | Economic analysis | Sociology. Legal systems - Civil law | Common law and Equity | Religious law | Sharia law.
Legal subjects - International law | Constitutional and Administrative law | Criminal law | Contract law| Tort law | Property law | Equity & trusts etc., and allied fields
Digitization :
Economic Development and Policy | E Governance - Digital divide | Digital Governance | Digitization of Unorganized sector | Economics | Consumer Choice | Digitization- Impact on society| Digitization – Impact on Mental Health | Cyber Bullying | Technology & Youth | Trends in Social Media | Democracy | Politics | Sociology | Information Literacy and E-Learning | Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights | Digital Preservation and Technical Gaps | Cultural / Heritage Assets and Societal Value | Grey Literature – Digital Preservation | Institutional Repositories - Preservation Techniques | Social Media Networking in Libraries | Trends in LIS Research topics etc., and allied fields.
Women Studies :
Women’s Issues like Education | Leadership | Safety | Health | Empowerment | Challenges and/or any topic in relation to women’s and gender studies | Feminist method | Gender studies | Gender mainstreaming | Gynocentrism | Kyriarchy | Matriarchy | Women's studies | Patriarchy | Écritureféminine | Leadership etc., and allied subjects.
Gender Equality :
Gender Equality & Educational Systems | Toxic Masculinity | Resocialization of Men | Socialization of Boys | Legal Remedies | Implementing Law | Law and Accountability | Inheritance Rights | Gender and Sexual Diversity | Women’s Human Rights | Women, Climate Change and Inequality | Women Empowerment and Social Change | Challenging Male Dominance | Consciousness - Raising | Men as Allies in Struggle | Women, Media and Technology | Transgender Rights and Sexual Diversity | Women’s Success Stories | Cyber Feminisms - Blogs, Zines and Reproductive Rights | Activist Art | Women’s Spirituality and Religion | Trafficking and Prostitution | Women in Politics and Public Administration.
Education :
Primary education | Secondary education | Higher education | Vocational education | Adult education | Alternative education | Madrasa education | Woman education | Dance education | Distance education | International studies | Journalism education | Special education | Vocational education etc., and allied subjects.
Other CFPs
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Last modified: 2021-06-04 17:46:01