Human Resources 2021 - Sexual Harassment: Managing the Critical Business, Financial, and Human Resources Issues
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Topics/Call fo Papers
Sexual harassment claims increasingly expose your organization to significant business, financial, and human resources related costs and liabilities. Potential claims now often exceed six-figure numbers.
Does the organization avoid the growing legal pitfalls to avoid sexual harassment
Does the organization properly conduct sexual harassment and workplace investigations
Discuss the impact of sexual harassment within your organization
Define the definition and types of sexual harassment
Describe how sexual harassment affects the achieve of organizational goals
Ronald L. Adler, president of Laurdan Associates Inc. has 42 years of HR consulting experience and has served as a consulting expert on work force, workplace, and HR management issues
Does the organization avoid the growing legal pitfalls to avoid sexual harassment
Does the organization properly conduct sexual harassment and workplace investigations
Discuss the impact of sexual harassment within your organization
Define the definition and types of sexual harassment
Describe how sexual harassment affects the achieve of organizational goals
Ronald L. Adler, president of Laurdan Associates Inc. has 42 years of HR consulting experience and has served as a consulting expert on work force, workplace, and HR management issues
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Last modified: 2021-05-31 22:41:47