ICUASA 2022 - 2022 5th International Conference on Unmanned Aerial Systems and Aerospace(ICUASA 2022)
Date2022-03-26 - 2022-03-28
VenueGuangzhou, China, China
KeywordsUnmanned Aerial Systems; Aerospace
Topics/Call fo Papers
●2022 5th International Conference on Unmanned Aerial Systems and Aerospace(ICUASA 2022)- Ei Compendex & Scopus—Call for papers
March 26-28, 2022|Guangzhou, China|Website:
●ICUASA 2022 provides researchers and industry experts with one of the best platforms to meet and discuss groundbreaking research and innovations in the field of Unmanned Aerial Systems and Aerospace.
International invited speakers are invited to present their state-of-the-art work on various aspects, which will highlight important and developing areas.
●Publication and Indexing
All accepted papers will be published in the digital conference proceedings, which will send to be Indexed by all major citation databases such as Ei Compendex (Engineering Village), Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), Conference Proceedings Citation Index (Web of Science), DOAJ, EBSCO (EBSCO Discovery Service), CPCI,Google Scholar, Inspec, Polymer Library, Scopus, Materials Science & Engineering Database (ProQuest), SciTech Premium Collection (ProQuest), Technology Collection (ProQuest) etc.
Selected papers will be considered for special issues after significant extension, Journal of Aerospace.
●Program Preview/ Program at a glance
March 26: Registration + Icebreaker Reception
March 27: Opening Ceremony+ KN Speech+ Technical Sessions
March 28: Technical Sessions+ Half day tour/Lab tours
●Paper Submission
1.Submit Via CMT:
2.Submit Via email directly to:
Ms.Rita J. Ma
March 26-28, 2022|Guangzhou, China|Website:
●ICUASA 2022 provides researchers and industry experts with one of the best platforms to meet and discuss groundbreaking research and innovations in the field of Unmanned Aerial Systems and Aerospace.
International invited speakers are invited to present their state-of-the-art work on various aspects, which will highlight important and developing areas.
●Publication and Indexing
All accepted papers will be published in the digital conference proceedings, which will send to be Indexed by all major citation databases such as Ei Compendex (Engineering Village), Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), Conference Proceedings Citation Index (Web of Science), DOAJ, EBSCO (EBSCO Discovery Service), CPCI,Google Scholar, Inspec, Polymer Library, Scopus, Materials Science & Engineering Database (ProQuest), SciTech Premium Collection (ProQuest), Technology Collection (ProQuest) etc.
Selected papers will be considered for special issues after significant extension, Journal of Aerospace.
●Program Preview/ Program at a glance
March 26: Registration + Icebreaker Reception
March 27: Opening Ceremony+ KN Speech+ Technical Sessions
March 28: Technical Sessions+ Half day tour/Lab tours
●Paper Submission
1.Submit Via CMT:
2.Submit Via email directly to:
Ms.Rita J. Ma
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Last modified: 2021-08-10 19:05:49