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SDoW 2011 - 4th international workshop Social Data on the Web (SDoW2011)



VenueBonn, Germany Germany



Topics/Call fo Papers

The 4th international workshop Social Data on the Web (SDoW2011), co-located with the 10th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2011) , aims to bring together researchers, developers and practitioners involved in semantically-enhancing social media websites, as well as academics researching more formal aspect of these interactions between the Semantic Web and Social Web.

It is now widely agreed in the community that the Semantic Web and the Social Web can benefit from each other. One the one hand, the speed at which data is being created on the Social Web is growing at exponential rate. Recent statistics showed that about 100 million Tweets are created per day and that Facebook has now 500 million users. Yet, some issues still have to be tackled, such as how to efficiently make sense of all this data, how to ensure trust and privacy on the Social Web, how to interlink data from different systems, whether it is on the Web or in the enterprise, or more recently, how to link Social Network and sensor networks to enable Semantic Citizen Sensing.

Following the successful SDoW workshops at ISWC 2008, 2009 and 2010, this workshop will tackle these various topics and aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners, as in the 3 previous editions. We aim to bring together Semantic Web experts and Web 2.0 practitioners and users to discuss the application of semantic technologies to data from the Social Web. It is motivated by recent active developments in collaborative and social software and their Semantic Web counterparts, notably in the industry, such as FaceBook Open Graph Protocol.

Topics of Interest

We encourage contributions which will describe research proposals or implementations that deal with (but are not limited to) the following topics of interest:

Applications and tools using Social Semantic Web technologies
Creating RDF-based knowledge using social media services
Data Portability and Social Network Portability
Emerging semantic platforms for the Social Web
Enriching Social Web with semantic data - RDFa, microformats and other approaches
Linked Data on the Social Web - providing linked data from social media sites
Mining and analysis of Social Data
Ontologies for the Social Web - developing, using and extending lightweight ontologies for social media sites
Querying and mining social semantic data
Policies, authentication, security, and trust within collaborative scenarios
Citizen Sensing and the Semantic Web
Social Networks and Sensor Networks
Legal aspects of the Social Semantic Web
Large scale data mining and reasoning over large social media datasets
Domain-specific social network (e-business, HCLS, etc.) and Semantic Web
Social Semantic Web and disaster/emergency management

The following types of contributions are welcomed:

Full technical papers, up to 12 pages.
Short technical papers and position papers, up to 6 pages.
Posters and Demos, 2-3 pages with a description of the application, ideally accompanied with a link to an online demo.
Paper submissions will have to be formatted in the style of the Springer Publications format for Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). Submissions will be made using EasyChair Conference System, and proceedings of the papers will be provided through the CEUR online service.

Last modified: 2011-06-10 06:46:14