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Date2021-06-14 - 2021-06-16


VenueMontreal, Canada Canada



Topics/Call fo Papers

As it is known, the number of connected devices and data traffic is exponentially increasing as time goes, and future data-intensive applications, (such as holographic communications, autonomous driving, high-precision manufacturing, and ultra-massive machine-type communications, etc.,) would demand high-throughput, extremely ultra-reliable and low-latency communications (Extreme URLLC) with high energy efficiency. Recently, more and more research efforts have been dedicated to Extreme URLLC toward 6G connectivity to provide massive ubiquitous connections for anyone and anything with high-data rate irrespective of time and location. To approach this challenging goal, various technologies are being investigated and experimented. Hence it is important to have a timely workshop that will provide an opportunity to allow industry stakeholder, technical experts, and scientific researchers to share and discuss the different viewpoints through peer-reviewed papers in addition to invited papers. The objective of this workshop is to share the research findings of Extreme URLLC in all aspects and advance the state-of-the-art of future 6G networks. There are many open issues which should be discussed here, e.g.,
What are the extreme URLLC impacts to the 6G connectivity?
What are the enabling techniques required by extreme URLLC?
How to achieve the goal of extreme URLLC with energy efficiency?
We seek original completed and unpublished work not currently under review by any other journal/magazine/conference. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Key use cases and requirements for Extreme URLLC for 6G connectivity
“Wireless equivalence” for the Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) with Extreme URLLC
Time synchronization for Extreme URLLC
Native positioning techniques for Extreme URLLC
Security for Extreme URLLC
AI for extreme URLLC
Cross-layer optimization techniques for Extreme URLLC for 6G
Information theoretic limits for Extreme URLLC
Task-off loading for Extreme URLLC for 6G connectivity
Advanced modulation and coding schemes for Extreme URLLC
Advanced physical-layer technologies for Extreme URLLC
Prototypes and test beds for Extreme URLLC
Future perspectives of Extreme URLLC
Standardization roadmap and status on Extreme URLLC

Last modified: 2021-01-23 14:07:30